The lure of tea and cake proved too much for the trusty volunteers of SWAG. A good turnout and plenty of enthusiasm resulted in routes cleaned, bolts replaced and generally lots of cake being consumed.
Around 20 volunteers in total turned up for the combined route husbandry/bolt workshop event at Mountain Ash on Saturday 19 July. A great deal of effort was put in by local volunteers, resulting in an utterly transformed venue.
A number of routes including Rising Sap, A Certain Peace, Misadventure and Grave Concern were cleaned. A fair amount of routes had second bolts added to create twin bolt lower offs, and some scary looking old bolts were replaced. Examples include Outspan,Branch Manager, Dusk, I Came, He Sawed, and others.
A big thanks to all who turned up, and don't forget if you climb here to donate to the S.Wales Bolt Fund
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