The BMC’s South West team will be hosting a Cornish Climbing Festival over the weekend of 7 – 9 September 2012 and absolutely everyone is welcome.
The festival will now be based at the Traverven Farm campsite St Buryan, Penzance. Cornwall TR19 6DL as the Treen Farm campsite is now full. Evening festivities will be at the Logan Rock Inn. According to Google, they’re 217ft apart which should take you approximately 20 seconds to cover on the way to the pub, possibly slightly more on the way back.
The plan is as follows:
Friday night:
The festival kicks off in the Logan Rock with beers and a slideshow by an Amazing Mystery Guest Speaker.
Will dawn warm and sunny, with the world famous BMC Breakfast Bar running on the campsite. Free egg and/or bacon butties will be served, with a compulsory donation to the RNLI. Local guidebook writers and activists will be on hand to advise you of the best places to go.
Saturday evening will see more fine ales, a quiz and a raffle, plus some tall stories from the day. The breakfast bar is repeated on Sunday morning. There's plenty of climbing within walking distance from the campsite.
The BMC’s local team is hosting the event, but we are not providing instruction. All we’re laying on is the venue, the ideas and the breakfast butties.
The breakfasts are free* but the camping is not.
If you’re new to climbing outdoors, you’re most welcome, but we would suggest employing the services of a recognised instructor. The Association of Mountaineering Instructors is the best place to go for that.
By way of interest, the following weekend (14th - 16th Sept) is the Gower Festival of Climbing, based at Rhossili on the Gower Peninsular. The format is roughly the same as for the Cornish festival, with the added bounus that local good time guys and festival organisers Stu Llewellyn & Matt Woodfield will be launching their seminal and much anticipated Gower Rock selected guide.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
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