Formed in 1972, Lands End Climbing Club will celebrate its 40th (and therefore Ruby) anniversary with a name change and a re-launch into the 21st Century. We are re-named the ‘Cornwall Climbing Club’ because that’s what we have always been, with members from all parts of the County, so it really was time to say so.
We believe the role of a club has changed much since the advent of mobile phones, e-mail and more recently the social networks. We need to give climbers members a reason to want to be part of us and become in some small part a sense of the whole.
As you would expect we will have a number of crag meets, but we have set a schedule of social events/ meets around the County and throughout the year. We have to acknowledge that we have gathered a reputation for being religiously trad, and with respect to our treasured sea cliffs that is unlikely to change. However we avowedly wish to make the club attractive to those who sport, boulder or indoor wall. Whatever the arguments, there is more that unites than divides.
The BMC is not the only organization with a new website and CCC’s is the intro to the club and the Facebook page is the active and open social hub. Anyone, including non-members can use the page for arranging anything to do with climbing whether cragging, socialising or treasured by Cornish Climbers particularly, discussions re bolts and pegs.
We even have a Twitter account, so those CCC members who want comment on weather, meets, pubs or new routes can do it here. Follow us at CornwallClimber.
Partnership with Newquay Sports Centre
As part of the re-launch, we have formed a partnership with Newquay Sports Centre. This partnership has the clear aim of enabling more people to engage in the sport and to utilise their terrific climbing wall and bouldering room facility. Those who want to try climbing are invited to join us. We have discounted wall use for CCC members with a more than 50% reduction.
Members can be registered as ‘Route Setters’, and Newquay Sports Centre will assist in any way it can to help with the development and growth of the sport in the County. We would like to thank Tim Webb for his help in developing this program.
We will be having an annual club dinner on Friday 20th January 2012 again at the Driftwood Spars, St Agnes. It is intended to be a very social and sociable event and we would like to see as many Cornish climbers (club members or not) for an evening of socializing and banter. Our intention is to let anyone who has been on an interesting trip this year to show some photos.
Let us know via Facebook or alan@cornwallclimbingclub if you are coming or would like to be there.
Twitter: Follow ‘CornwallClimber’
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