Introducing Membership Services Online (MSO) for BMC affiliated clubs - the new platform to safely and easily manage data on your club members, free for affiliated clubs to use.
If your club is affiliated with the BMC, you can use this new platform to easily manage and organise your club members. Some of the key features of MSO include:
Club dashboard
See an overview of your club members and have the ability to quickly search and filter by personal details, address, contact information and membership type. You also have the option to add up to 10 custom fields that may be bespoke to your club.
Manage members and BMC membership
The MSO dashboard is directly linked to the BMC membership database. Using MSO, you can quickly add new club members to your club database and assign them BMC membership. Managing club membership renewals will also become a lot faster.
A safe and secure site
MSO is securely hosted on BMC servers and is free for clubs to use. You can create club administrators within MSO and set the access levels to keep your club data safe.
Emails and invoicing
Send out emails to your entire club or segments of your club members. You can also request payments and invoices for BMC membership fees; fully integrated within MSO.
For a full user manual for MSO you can download our information pack here.
If you have any other questions about MSO please email: or phone 0161 445 6111
We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.
From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we couldn’t do it without you.
Did you know that we've launched a U27 membership offer for just £1.50 / month? And with full membership from £2.50 / month, it's never been easier to join and support our work:
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