This page details the BMC Membership Fees for members of BMC-affiliated clubs.
Club Membership Fees for 2024:
Adult: £23.90
Student: £19.75
Discounted: £17.70
Half-year discount: £11.95
Details of membership categories
Adults: anyone over the age of 18 and a member or prospective member of any BMC-affiliated club is eligible for this rate.
Student: anyone over the age of 18 and in full-time education who is a member of any BMC-affiliated club, whether the club is based at a University or not, is eligible for this rate.
Discounted: any member of any BMC-affiliated club who is under the age of 18 or is unemployed is eligible for this rate.
Half-year discount: this rate is for any new member who joins a club half way through the membership year. It is applicable to those eligible for the adult, student and discounted rates.
The half-year for Clubs runs from 1 July - 31 December, for Youth Clubs from 1 March - 31 August, for Student Clubs from 1 April - 30 September.
Club Affiliation Categories
Clubs: Any club run for its members to go climbing, hill-walking and/ mountaineering with other like-minded members. Some clubs are based in a specific geographical area whereas others have a national focus.
Membership year: 1 January - 31 December
Student Clubs: Clubs run for the student community, based at a UK University.
Membership year: 1 October - 30 September
Youth Clubs: Clubs run for predominently for under 18 year olds who are likely to attend without their parent/carer/guardian being present.
Membership year: 1 September - 31 August
If you have any questions please get in touch via
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