The BMC can confirm that our AGM on 22 April 2017 will include an agenda item from Bob Pettigrew and others calling for a vote of no confidence in the Executive Committee of the BMC (the Board of Directors). The BMC strongly refutes this motion.
This is on the grounds of the, “wilful and deliberate withholding of future policy decisions from the members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting,” in April 2016 and that this was, “very poor governance by the Executive Committee”.
The BMC strongly refutes this motion and the accusations levelled at the Executive and we have published a full report on the matter. This was mailed to all members with the latest issue of Summit and is also available to download here.
It is understood that the “future policy decisions” referred to in the motion relate to the Climb Britain rebranding exercise. At the time of the AGM (16 April 2016), any potential name change was a work in progress and it was not until the Executive Committee meeting of 18 May 2016 that a decision was reached to Trademark the name ‘Climb Britain’ and put it to the BMC’s main policymaking body – National Council – for consideration and a decision on 18 June 2016. The National Council voted unanimously in favour of the rebrand with one abstention. Once member disapproval became apparent, the BMC admitted that this Sport England funded rebranding had been a mistake and reacted quickly to rectify this – which shows that the BMC’s democratic process does work. The Executive believes that during the rebranding it acted at all times in good faith and in accordance with the rules of the BMC as laid down in its Articles of Association.
The motion of no confidence specifically does not mention subjects such as the Olympics and governance of the IFSC (International Federation of Sport Climbing) and members should not be confused into thinking they are voting on these issues through this motion.
As the motion of no confidence has been filed against the Executive Committee, I would like to ensure that all members are aware of how this body is compiled. With the exception of the salaried Chief Executive, all members of the Executive Committee are volunteers and are only appointed for three-year tenures with the exception of the Treasurer who stands for five years. These Executive volunteers are highly regarded individuals in their professional spheres and many (like all the other hard-working and appreciated volunteers who assist the BMC), devote considerable time and effort regularly at the expense of their career and family commitments for the good of the BMC. Tenures are staggered so that the composition of the Executive is regularly changing. Some of the policy grievances that signatories of this motion have referred to in public forums are matters that were voted on by National Council and Executive prior to any of the current volunteer Executives being in office. In addition, some members of the Executive will be ending their tenure on the day the motion will be debated and voted on at the AGM.
The BMC fully accepts that there are a number of important and pressing issues which require attention. These include:
Questions relating to organisational governance, accountability and decision making, and how this aligns with best practice in comparable organisations.
The BMC’s financial strategy; review of membership and commercial income streams and organisational policy on Government grant income (Sport England and UK Sport).
In addition, the impact and funding requirements in relation to the Olympics will also be considered alongside the BMC's relationship with international organisations, the UIAA and IFSC.
The BMC will address these issues and other concerns through an independently Chaired and comprehensive Organisational Review process which will begin in April 2017 and which is planned to report to the BMC AGM in April 2018. The details of this review will be published by the BMC office in mid-April and will be available for discussion over the AGM weekend in April 2017. This far-reaching independent review was instigated by National Council on 11 February 2017 before the no-confidence motion was filed.
Rehan Siddiqui
BMC President
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