BMC members are invited to nominate a volunteer for an award recognising the vital contribution volunteers make to the work of the BMC.
How to make a nomination
All BMC members are welcome to nominate a volunteer for any or all of the awards by completing the corresponding online form.
The following four awards are open for nominations in 2024, please select a link below to take you to the correct nomination form. If you wish to find out more about the awards, please click here.
The deadline for all nominations will be midday on the 15th April 2024.
The nominations will be assessed by the BMC’s Awards and Honours Panel.
BMC Awards – Key points to consider
When completing a form to nominate someone for a BMC Volunteer Award there are a few points that you may wish to consider:
The forms are assessed anonymously, i.e. the award panel isn’t provided with the names of the nominees. Therefore, don’t assume that the panel will know the individual and know what value they have provided to the BMC and to mountaineering.
Nominations will be decided based on your submission. It is therefore vital that you provide as much detail as possible about the individuals achievements and contributions, so they don’t miss out.
All nominees should be members of the BMC.
The form will ask you to provide information on the activities/projects/initiatives the individual has been involved with, their personal contributions in these areas and the impact of their activities. There is also a final section to add any supporting information, in this section you may wish to include:
Supporting statements from organisations/members/volunteers/groups the nominees' activities have affected and behind the scenes work that may have gone unnoticed.
If the nominee has worked closely with a member or members of BMC staff then include that within the application.
Think about the achievements they have had in both their volunteering with the BMC and within the wider mountaineering community - remember that ACT (Access & Conservation Trust), MHT (Mountain Heritage Trust), and the National Huts are all part of the wider BMC family, and affiliated-clubs are also an integral part of the BMC community.
If for any reason you choose to withdraw your nomination, and for all other queries, please contact before the nomination deadline at midday on 15th April 2024.
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