The BMC relies heavily on its volunteers, and consequently so do you. In order to make their time with us as good and fair as possible we offer support and encouragement to them in a variety of ways.
Volunteers should never be out of pocket, so we will refund their expenses for things that are directly related to work on behalf of the BMC.
Depending on the circumstances this could cover travel, accommodation, meals and training courses. Ask Martin in the office for the specifics. If you are already a volunteer and have never claimed any expenses but feel that you should have done, or ought to start doing so, then get in touch with us and we'll help you out.
Support of a practical nature is available from the staff in the office, and there's always someone around who can help you out. We have experts in access and conservation, equipment, training and law. Pretty much anything you could need from us to help you in your voluntary role is available, and if we don't have it there and then we'll do our best to find it!
The main type of supoprt, and perhaps the most important is that which allows you to feel valued and important: in other words communication, time and attention.
If you want to volunteer, get in touch and you'll have our full attention!
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