The April 2021 issue of the BMC Peak Area Newsletter is now online, keeping you informed about what’s happening in the region, including details of the next BMC Peak Area Meeting.
In this issue:
Access and conservation news from across the area from our team of access reps;
Hill walking news from our team of hill walking reps, including an update on the two local Mend Our Mountains funded projects, and information about an area hill walk on 6 June;
Climbing news from Dave Parry, keeping track of the latest triumphs of Ned Feehally, Jon Fulwood and a host of others; and
Austin Knott wishes the Peak District National Park a happy birthday on its 70th anniversary.
READ: April 2021 BMC Peak Area Newsletter
The Peak Area Newsletter is produced by John Coefield and Dave Parry. If you’d like to contribute an article to a future newsletter, contact the editors
Peak Area Meeting: 29 April
Come to our next (virtual) gathering of Peak District climbers and walkers and get involved in the BMC.
The next Peak Area Meeting will be on Thursday 29 April 2021, starting at 7.00pm, and will be an online meeting held via Zoom, with registration for the meeting via Eventbrite.
Area meetings are run by volunteers and provide an opportunity for you to discuss issues and influence decisions affecting climbers and walkers locally and nationally.
Guest speaker for the evening is Jesse Dufton
Blind rock climber Jesse Dufton will talk about what motivates him in climbing, how he came to think that leading the Old Man of Hoy without being able to see was a good idea and something to have a go at, and what he will set his sights on as we emerge from lockdown.
All are welcome.
See the BMC Local Areas site for more details about the meeting
The BMC AGM is being held virtually on Wednesday 12th June 2024

Have your say, make your voice count with your vote.
It would be fantastic to see as many members as possible join us.
This year, the BMC’s AGM is being held virtually using the platform Zoom webinar. You can join us on Wednesday 12 June at 7pm to have your say on the running of the BMC, from the comfort of your own home.
READ: More about the 2024 AGM and how to vote and attend
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