God bless her and all who sail in her! A packed house of guidebook volunteers, stars of the past and present, D-listers all the way through to A-listers, gathered in Sheffield city centre to launch the fabulous new Froggatt to Black Rocks guide.
The party was a cracker. Many of the volunteers who worked on the guide finally got to see the fruits of their labour, all 530 pages, four colours and 0.8 kilogrammes of it. They weren't disappointed. This bumper guide is probably the finest in the series so far, a fitting testament to the writers, photographers, route checkers and proof readers who have toiled so hard to make this beek the best it could be. Lynn Robinson and Steve Clark, the book's editors, were in full effect and justifiably proud of the volume.
The Froggatt workers were joined by the editors of previous guides, such as Daves 'Burbage' Simmonite and 'Roaches' Garnett from the current series as well as heroes of past guides - Dave gregory, Malc Baxter, Brian Griffiths, Geoff Radcliffe and Graham Hoey. It was great to have the opportunity to thank all these for the work they have put in to make the guides what they are.
Peak District legends past and present gave the party a real sense of occasion. John Allen, Johnny Dawes, Mark Stokes, Martin Veale, Al Williams, Paul Mitchell, Ben Bransby as well as a host of others all came along to show their support for BMC guides.
El Presidente, Rab Carrington, gave a great speech thanking all the above and highlighting the issues ahead for definitive guides in the changing climbing landscape. There wasn't a dry eye in the house as we all tucked into our chicken madresses.
We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.
From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we couldn’t do it without you.
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