Bertolt Brecht once said that "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." He must have had the moorland crags of the Dark Peak in mind when he said that, because he was right. Even with the guidebook just published, there are already updates to the guide. This page will be a randomly updated resource for the connoisseur of the obscure and magnificent.
If you think of anything pertaining to routes and crags that needs to be added, let me know.
If you spot any errors in the script (e.g. terrible spellings, commas) then let me know that too.
Buy the guide here: I give you special price.
April 2012: New stakes installed at Shelf Benches. Now stolen by some anonymous farmer.
April 2012: Hobson Moor back wall cleaned and some new stakes hammered in. Let's see how long it takes the chavs to nick 'em.
May 2012: Additional bolts placed at New Mills Torrs from "The Thin End of the Hedge" to "Welcome to Portland (Oregon)" These new bolts remove the bold starts. Additional bolt placed at the top of "My Plan For World Domination" to protect the funky rockover. MPFWD is probably more like 6c, says Norm.
May 2012: Old bolt replaced with nice shiny new one on "War of the Roses" at Pule Hill. New peg placed under the roof to replace the manky old thing that used to be there but which was as useful as a chocolate teapot.
June 2012: Lines 3 (Slanting Crack) & 4 (Cake Buttress) at Lad's Leap (Millstone Buttress) are back to front on the topo, sorry. The route that doesn't look like a VD isn't, it's an E1 5a.
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