Area Meetings: who does what?

These descriptions should give you a flavour of what is involved in taking up a post within the Area Meetings.

The four people involved in these posts make a nice little team, and it’s possible to have an real impact upon your area if you play it right.

Area Chair
Primary Tasks:

1. to ensure effective and efficient Area Meetings.
2. to act as a mover & shaker for volunteer activities within the Area.
3. to communicate with the other area volunteers on a regular and timely basis.
4. to get to know members of staff in the Manchester office.
5. to ask for help if you need it

Area Secretary
Primary Tasks:

1. to take accurate notes of Area Meetings.
2. to follow the agreed timelines & actions in preparation for Area Meetings.
3. to support the Chair in the run up to the Area Meeting.
4. to be instrumental in publicising the Area Meetings to the wider world.
5. to ask for help if you need it.

Members' Council Representative (Two per area)
Primary Tasks:

1. to represent the views of the Area Meeting at Members' Council.
2. to report the decisions and debates within the Members' Council to Area Meetings.
3. to support the Chair and Secretary of the Area Meeting.

See the current Chairs and Secretaries

Find out more
Download the detailed guide to Area Meetings

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