"Adventure & Risk - A Sporting Balance" - conference proceedings…
The Volunteer Leader Conference "Adventure & Risk - A Sporting Balance" took place alongside the Festival of Climbing at the NIA, Birmingham on 7th December 2001. Chaired by Richard Callicott CEO of UK Sport and Margaret Talbot CEO of CCPR, this was a highly successful training event with over 220 participants discussing the different aspects of risk and adventure. Many thanks to all the organisations and volunteer leaders who contributed their valuable opinions at this conference. See the BMC training pages to download some of the conference proceedings. The complete set of proceedings, including notes from the afternoon workshops, will be available from the BMC office in April. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please email vanessa@thebmc.co.uk for further details. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Comments and opinions expressed in the conference proceedings are those of the paper’s author and are not necessarily those of the BMC. The BMC accepts no responsibility for any loss arising as a result of inaccuracies or omissions in these proceedings.
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