The Arch Climbing Wall in London hosts a monthly comp style event with a twist where every single climb ticked off on a scorecard is worth 50 pence - The Arch Monthly Round Up - #TAMRU
Every single ticked climb from anyone entering these totally free events is accumulated and the climber with the most points on their scorecard decides on a charity to which all the money is donated. Women raise money for the top woman’s charity; men raise money for the top man’s one.
Friday 28th February was their first #TAMRU event and they had a great turnout, everybody eager to tick off as many problems as possible. Matt Cousins and Tiffany Soithongsuk finished with the highest overall scores and so had the honour of donating to their chosen charities. Matt and Tiffany decided to donate jointly for the first event raising £321.00 for
They hope this event will see lots of climbers encouraging and raising each other's levels - all for amazing causes. Their next #TAMRU event will take place at The Arch on Friday 28th March at 6pm - the more friends you can encourage to come along, the more money you can donate just by climbing on great problems, helping other people out, and having fun.
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