National Competitions Schedule 2024

Posted by Team BMC on 21/12/2023

Following a review, we are pleased to present the provisional competitions calendar for 2024.

Note: Venues are still being confirmed, and therefore the calendar remains provisional until this process is complete.


Our focus is on developing grassroots competition and youth competition climbing whilst fulfilling our role as the National Governing Body in delivering national championships across our disciplines.
There has been an increasing investment from the BMC into the domestic competition calendar delivery, along with increasing costs over the past few years In order to ensure a sustainable delivery model we have therefore ensured the calendar is focussed around those core priorities.
The reduction in our calendar volume allows us to focus on the above areas, doing less, but better.
Note: The British Championships will continue to be run as selection events. Further updates on selection opportunities will be confirmed in the new year.


National Competitions Schedule 2024 (Provisional)

British Championships

15 & 16 June | Junior British Bouldering Championships, Depot Manchester

24 & 25 August | British Bouldering Championships, Last Sun Dance Leeds

7 & 8 September | British Lead, Speed and Para Climbing Championships, Junior and Senior Categories (venue TBC)


Para Climbing

7 & 8 September | British Lead, Speed and Para Climbing Championships (venue TBC)


Youth Climbing Series


Round 1 | 14 September 

Round 2 | 28 September 

Round 3 | 19 October 

Round 4 | 2 November 


Round 1 | 28 September

Round 2 | 29 September

Round 3 | 19 October

Round 4 | 20 October


Grand Final | 23 & 24 November | Invitation Only (venue TBC)


Four Nations Cup

The BMC have taken the difficult decision to not run the English and Welsh competitions of the Four Nations Cup in 2024.

The below competitions will continue and are open to all competitors wishing to compete and will follow the same format/standard as they have in previous years and results will be included in future selection processes.

These are run by the respective nation mountineering assocition. 

Irish Cups (Boulder and Lead)

  • 23 & 24 March | Irish Boulder Cup Awesome Walls, Dublin
  • 4 & 5 May | Irish Lead Cup, Awesome Walls, Dublin

For further information please go to the following webpage:

 Scottish Cups (Boulder and Lead)

  • 27 April | Scottish Youth Bouldering Championships, Eden Rock - Edinburgh

To enter please go to the following webpage:

  • 1 June | Scottish Youth Lead and Speed Climbing Championships, EICA, Edinburgh

For furthe information please go to the following webpage:

Competition Rules 2024 


Special Dispensation

Special Dispensation may be granted to competitors across the BMC National Competitions listed above.

Special Dispensation may only be granted by completing and submitting the online application form.

Special Dispensation will be independently reviewed by BMC workforce currently working outside of the GB Climbing competition pathway, on a case-by-case basis, and any existing special dispensation will be reviewed annually from 1 January to 31 December, aligned with the climbing competition season.

All special dispensation request need to be submitted with supporting evidence. Special dispensation requests submitted without supporting evidence will be returned to the applicant with a request for more supporting evidence. Supporting evidence and a copy of the form should be emailed to





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👍 LIKE: GB Climbing Facebook for even more news and photos

👀 VISIT: GB Climbing website and see who's on the team

GB Climbing is supported by the BMC, Mountaineering Scotland and Secur-it. Many UK walls also support the GB Climbing team through free or subsidised entry.

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