How to propose resolutions at BMC AGM 2021

Posted by Lucy Valerio on 23/02/2021
Get a resolution put on the ballot paper of the AGM. Photo: Shutterstock

BMC members have the right to submit resolutions to the AGM; here's a handy guide on how to do this for the BMC AGM 2021.

This year’s AGM is being held virtually only, on 15 May 2021.

As a member of the BMC, you can get a resolution put on the ballot paper of the AGM.  The process for this is set out in our Articles of Association, but we’ve prepared a handy guide which sets out the steps you need to take. 

DOWNLOAD: The guide to proposing a resolution

So, if you have a resolution you want to get put in front of your fellow members at this year’s AGM, get drafting! 

If you have any queries about this you can contact our Company Secretary:

Invite to Open Forum: 25 February

The open forum is intended for those members interested in the governance of the BMC and provides a way of engaging with those members who wish to get into the detail of how the organisation is run. This session will be different from our previous one, as it will ask for feedback on changes to our governance before they are presented formally at the AGM on the 15 May 2021.

Find out how to join here.

After the success of the last open forum, we are hoping many more people will want to join us for the next one on Thursday 25 February at 7pm.

What are the proposed changes to the BMC Articles of Association?

Want to know why some changes to the Articles of Association are going to be put forward at the 2021 AGM? Then come along to an Open Forum on this very topic on Thursday 28 January at 7pm. More info here.

GET INVOLVED: Volunteer opportunities on National Council and Board of Directors

The BMC AGM is being held virtually on Wednesday 12th June 2024

Have your say, make your voice count with your vote.
It would be fantastic to see as many members as possible join us.

This year, the BMC’s AGM is being held virtually using the platform Zoom webinar. You can join us on Wednesday 12 June at 7pm to have your say on the running of the BMC, from the comfort of your own home.

READ: More about the 2024 AGM and how to vote and attend

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