North Wales White Guide

Posted by Elfyn Jones on 20/12/2011
Get your free copy of the North Wales White Guide.

The North Wales White guide is a free guide to inform and educate winter climbers in Snowdonia on how best to enjoy the area, while at the same time minimising the potential damage to protected habitats and fragile environments.

The BMC has produced a number of Green Guides to climbing in the past, including a Green guide to the uplands, Green Guides to climbing in the Lake District and Yorkshire.

The North Wales White Guide is a winter version of these guides, and is a bilingual, collaborative effort from the BMC and the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW). It is produced by Ground Up, with support from Snowdonia Active and Snowdonia National Park.

Download a free copy of North Wales White Guide (pdf)

Its aim is to inform and educate winter climbers about some of the fragile and internationally important habitats and plants that could be damaged by winter climbing activities, and how climbers can help to minimise any potential damage by identifying best practice.

Many of the best winter climbing venues in Snowdonia are also very important, legally protected Sites of Special Scientific Interest, which potentially could be inadvertently harmed if climbed in poor conditions or with poor techniques.

The guide is a combination of work from Dr Barbara Jones (BMC Volunteer and previously Upland Ecologist for CCW), Elfyn Jones (BMC Access & Conservation Officer), Joe Roberts (BMC volunteer and CCW Access Policy Officer) with input from Simon Panton and North Wales winter activists Mark “Baggy” Richards.

By using a combination of clear topos of the main climbing areas and close up photos of important plants and habitats, it shows climbers the sites which are the most sensitive and fragile, and gives advice on how to minimise the environmental impact of climbing at these venues – emphasising the need to ensure that climbers do need to wait for good conditions and the need to use good techniques and the right equipment to minimise damage.

By following the simple, yet highly informative advice in the guide it’s hoped that both winter climbing and conservation can successfully co-exist at these venues, avoiding the need for formal or statutory controls on climbing at these sites.

Download a free copy of the BMC North Wales White Guide (pdf)

Other titles in the BMC Green Guides series:

Life-saving links:

WATCH: Conditions Apply - Winter Climbing Ethics on BMC TV:

WATCH: The BMC Winter Essentials trailer on BMC TV:

Buy the Winter Essentials DVD

WATCH BMC TV: If They Only Knew: A film about the joys of the winter mountains:

WATCH: How to do an ice axe self arrest on BMC TV:

Buy the Winter Essentials DVD


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Anonymous User
I would love to read this but the 'Download a free copy of North Wales White Guide here' link doesn't work!!!
Anonymous User
It's working now.
Anonymous User
The download should definitely be working now. Any further problems please let us know.

Anonymous User
If the BMC really did have a 'strong environmental ethic', it would be following the MCoS's lead and be making a stand against the unfettered industrialisation of Britain's uplands by giant foreign energy companies. Their current policy of doing nothing undermines any credentials they may like to claim in this area.
Elfyn Jones(author comment)
To anonymous - regarding wind farms - we are responding to this, and recently held a workshop for memebers on this very issue. As a result, a working group is being formed to look at how the BMC responds to all developments that may have a negative impact on the landscapes that our members cherish. Keep an eye out for an advert that will shortly be on this website asking for volunteers to assist with this group.
Elfyn Jones BMC A&C Officer (Wales)
Anonymous User
or, it could be said, if the if the BMC really did have a 'strong environmental ethic' it would be proactively supoprting the development of wind farms to reduce the negative impact our reliance on fossil fuels has on preserving the environment for future generations to enjoy the hills as you do.

If better technolgy comes along the wind turbines will be taken down, if we keep living unsustainably there will be irreparable damage to the sensive eco systems of our uplands- give me some graceful turbines and a future every time please.

Please remember the BMC has to represent this wide spectrum of views in its membership as I have just demonstrated.

Paul, Sheffield
Anonymous User
my name is shaun dakin and im a 20 yeal old climbing from sheffield england. for the last 3 weeks iv being traveling england on climbs with my team 7A, in next the 5 week we are going to check out a load indoor climbs and outdoor climbs across the uk. but for the last few weeks i have being feeling like im just not getting the buzz i want from climbing, so after lots of research i have decided to start a expedition to snowdonia. as little to non of my team will join im starting a open invitation to anyone who want to tackel snowdonia with me for 2 day weekend later in the year june,july time.

please reply for info
email me at



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Fat ice or thin pickings? Take the guesswork out of winter conditions and help protect fragile habitats with the Cwm Idwal Winter Climbing Information Project. In this exciting development, you can view live conditions information right here on the BMC website and this winter the project has been extended to include live information from Clogwyn Du as well as the Devil's Kitchen.
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