The Trustees of the Jonathan Conville Memorial Trust met today at Plas y Brenin for their Annual General Meeting.
Now in their 30th year the Jonathan Conville Memorial Trust (JCMT) was established by Jonathan Conville’s family after he died on the Matterhorn in the winter of 1979, aged 27. He was a sound, ambitious climber who had been to school at Marlborough, spent some time in Australia, joined the Army (Paratroop Regiment) and taught at the Outward Bound School, Lock Eil.
Jonathan identified strongly with the outdoors where he constantly found challenge. The Trust's aims are to encourage and assist young people to train for and pursue their love of the outdoors in the spirit of adventure, which Jonathan embraced during his life.
From humble beginnings, the Trust has provided training for thousands of young people, primarily in Alpine climbing. This year the trust provided 90 subsidised places on their three-day Alpine courses, based in Chamonix, and 72 places on their two-day Scottish winter courses based in the Cairngorms.
In 2011 the Trust will provide 90 subsidised places on their Alpine courses, and 48 on their Scottish ones. All courses are delivered by British Mountain Guides and at only £75 present incredible value for money.
New for next year is a subsidised two-day Alpine Preparation course at Plas y Brenin. Two residential courses providing 24 places at £50 per person will be available. Applications for both the Plas y Brenin and Chamonix based Alpine courses will open next spring.
Recent years have been financially challenging for the Trust, but two fund raising events this year have provided vital income. One was a lecture delivered by Patron Chris Bonington at the Royal Geographical Society, and another was in memory of Rupert Rosedale.
Rupert was a Trainee British Mountain Guide and Outward Bound teacher at Marlborough College. Pupils and staff at the College undertook a variety of fund raising events for the Trust in memory of Rupert, who died in an avalanche whilst climbing in Scotland.
Katrina Taee, Jonathan’s sister and Chair of the Trustees, spoke of the Trust’s desire to provide training for as many young people as possible. Whilst 2010 had provided vital income through fund raising events, Katrina was conscious that the Trust could not assume the same would happen in 2011 and beyond.
The BMC provide some financial support to the Trust and the courses are managed by Plas y Brenin, who also deliver the Trust's Alpine programme. Senior PyB staff member Rob Spencer attended the AGM and noted how the Conville Courses have become established as a distinct force in mountain training, providing accessible training for aspiring young mountaineers and alpinists.
Anyone wishing to attend one of next year’s JCMT Scottish winter courses can apply online, but hurry up! Applications close on Mondy 18th October.
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Jonathan Conville Memorial Trust
Plas y Brenin