10:10 is an ambitious campaign to unite every sector of British society behind one simple idea, that by working together we can achieve a 10% cut in the UK’s carbon emissions in 2010. The BMC is encouraging its members to sign up to this worthwhile cause.
The 10:10 website states that cutting 10% of carbon emissions in one year is actually an achievable target and is in line with what scientists say we need over the next 18 months, so now is the time for ordinary people to step in and make a real difference.
By signing up to a 10% target we’re not just supporting 10:10 – we’re making it happen in our homes, in our workplaces, our schools and hospitals, our galleries and football clubs and universities. The idea behind the campaign is that as it’s easy to feel powerless in the face of a huge problem like climate change, by uniting everyone behind immediate, effective and achievable action, 10:10 enables all of us to make a meaningful difference.
The plan is simple: by signing up, any individual, school, business or organisation pledges to do their best to reduce their emissions by 10 % during the year 2010. 10:10 is a UK campaign but scientists say it is the right target for the whole developed world. The hope is that the campaign will be replicated in other countries, making it as easy as possible for that to happen.
Cutting 10% is easy for most individuals and families. It's at the level of lagging your loft, upgrading your boiler, or taking one less long-haul flight. 10:10 will walk people through the steps they need to take to make their 10% cut, with support from the Energy Savings Trust and others. Individuals and organisations can sign up on the 10:10 website until mid 2010.
10:10 provides good advice and a simple checklist to help you cut your personal emissions. Its top 10 checklist tips suggest we all:
• Fly less, holiday more
• Save 10% on heating
• Save 10% on electricity
• Drive less
• Eat better
• Buy good stuff
• Dump less
• Don’t waste food…
• …or water
• Feel happier
10:10 has three distinct phases of campaign action:
• Firstly, the gathering of commitments from individuals, families, businesses, and organisations from schools to football clubs, to cut 10% of their emissions by the end of 2010.
• Stage two, in late September, 10:10 will collectively challenge the UK government to match the commitment made by the thousands who have signed up to 10:10 by promising similarly tough action for the country as a whole.
• The third stage begins in January 2010 as 10:10 help supporters to implement the cuts they have pledged to make, offering them expert advice and allowing them to share their hard-earned wisdom. This stage will be backed by regular features in 10:10 partner newspapers, together with online networking tools.
If you as an individual or as part of a business wish to make a real difference then join the 10:10 cause and spread the word.
For useful tips on how to be green see the full list of BMC Green Friday articles.
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