A new initiative aims to raise public awareness of the many advantages of re-using discarded outdoor gear.
Most of us probably have some outdoor sports footwear, clothing or equipment, which we no longer use, but which hasn’t reached the end of its useful life; it’s the nature of the consumer society we inhabit. Explore RED (Re-use, Explore, Discover) seeks to promote the commercial, social and ethical value of ‘pre-owned’ outdoor gear.
RED Research
The first goal of RED is to carry out an extensive 18-month research programme in collaboration with the University of Leeds to establish what comfort and performance is retained by outdoor footwear, clothing and equipment after it has been used and discarded by its original owner. This will involves two groups of product testers; a UK-based group will be tested on a quarterly basis, another group will be tested after undertaking journeys and expeditions to various locations around the world.
RED Survey
Explore Red is also conducting a 12-month survey on people's thoughts in relation the re-use of redundant but functional outdoor gear. The survey results will give the project a greater understanding of the social and environmental benefits of outdoor gear being used for a second or third lifecycle.
Complete the survey and you could win a Rab Baltoro Light Jacket.
For more information about Explore Red visit the project website – www.explorered.com
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Explore RED