Mountain Training is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, so we've teamed up with them to feature a series of articles and interviews bringing you the latest training news and uncovering the reality of mountain qualifications and careers.
Mountain Training is the awarding body responsible for managing skills and award schemes in the UK and Ireland.
As well as a brand new website and digital logbook to allow candidates to record their experience online, there's also a new Leader of the Month award which celebrates everyone with a Mountain Training coaching, leading or instructing award.
Keep an eye out at the end of March for news of the launch of the new Lowland Leader award and the new Hill and Mountain Skills courses.
There will also be a ‘What’s your 50?’ campaign where people can submit their ‘50’ (e.g. 50 indoor routes in a day / 50 peaks in 50 weeks / passing an award at 50 etc) and be entered into a prize draw.
In our last BMC membership survey, 41.5% of you said you were interested in gaining formal qualifications to lead or instruct in mountaineering, climbing or hill walking. We hope these articles will inspire you to take the plunge.
WATCH: Learn, Lead, Inspire - In the Hills BMC TV
Learn, Lead, Inspire – in the hills
Here's a round-up of articles so far...
Week 1: History and plans for 50th anniversary
Week 2: Why get qualified?
Weeks 3 & 4: Become a Mountain Leader
Week 5: Get skills for the hills
Week 6: In the Valleys - the Lowland Leader award
Week 7: Coaching
Week 8: Equity
Week 9: Earning a crust
Week 10: Going Higher
Week 11: Next Steps
Week 12: Mountain Training's New Schemes
Visit the Mountain Training website.
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