Club support: webinar programme for officers, leaders and volunteers

Posted by Jane Thompson on 09/02/2024

The Club Support Webinar Programme is designed for the officers, leaders and volunteers within affiliated clubs. These will be a mixture of workshops, Q&A’s, and lectures.

This page details the webinars that we are running for the benefit of our members, specifically those who are running clubs and huts.

The programme will include lectures, training sessions, workshops and Q&A sessions with the events running, predominantly, on a weekday evening and lasting up to a couple of hours.

For the events that have taken place we have provided links to the webinar recording and, where appropriate, we have included downloads of presentations too.

We know that many of our members enjoy the convenience of attending virtual sessions – they are easy to access, don’t involve the costs (financial and environmental) in travelling to a venue, and are a more effective and efficient use of their time.  However, we know that not everyone wants to join a virtual session, and so we also offer face-to-face sessions (links below).  We know that many of our members enjoy the interaction that a face-to-face session brings and we don’t want to lose that.


[Last update on 09/02/24]

2024 Programme

All the sessions will take place on Zoom, are free to attend, require you to register your place to receive the Zoom link and are open to members of BMC affiliated clubs or of clubs seeking affiliation.

Dealing with major incidents

Thursday 14th March, 7.30-9pm
Clubs, unfortunately, may have to deal with a major incident involving club members.  This is often an accident on a club meet that has resulted in calling out emergency services.  The BMC is producing new guidance to support club leaders, committee members and officers with preparing for such events.  This webinar will look at this new guidance, what it may mean to your club and we'll hear from club members who have to deal with a serious incident in their club.  There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the event.
Trigger warning: This webinar will include discussion on fatal incidents.

Click here to book your place

Exploring legal structures

Tuesday 19th March, 8-9pm
Is your club considering whether it has the best structure in place.  Is the club an unincorporated association and you're wondering whether incorporating will be a better option.  Come along to this webinar to hear about the different options available along with the benefits and pit-falls.

This webinar is run by an external organisation and a minimum number of attendees is required by Tuesday 12th March to ensure the session runs.  If you want to attend please book on early!

Click here to book your place

Student Club Support - new committee members

Wednesday 22nd May, 2.30-3.30pm
For all new committee members of student clubs, this session will introduce some of the key members of staff, provide lots of support and guidance, signpost you to lots of information, and you'll have plenty of time to ask questions too!

Click here to book your place


Safeguarding - for all clubs, particularly those with a family offering

date TBC, 7.30-9pm
Looking at the new BMC Safeguarding Policy, what it means for all clubs and particularly for those that run family activities (such as family meets) and what support is available for the club volunteers.  There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the event.

Safeguarding - clubs for young people (Youth Clubs)

Date TBC, 7.30-9pm
Looking at the new BMC Safeguarding Policy, what it means for youth clubs where the young people attend activities without their parents also being present.  We'll be looking at the support that is available for the club volunteers within these clubs.  There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the event.


Other webinars due to be announced soon include:

  • Growing club membership: being a more welcoming and inclusive club
  • Environmental sustainability (clubs): follow on from the 2022 webinar
  • Environmental sustainability (huts): follow on from the 2022 Huts Seminar
  • Youth Clubs: understanding the risks in your club activities
  • Combined Liability Insurance: what it is and what it means for you and your club


Or why not listen to one of the previous webinars, all the links are below.


Links to the recordings of previous sessions


* Student Club Support: new committee members

9 May 2023: Covering support and guidance aimed at new members on student club committtees.


Student Club Support: affiliation benefits incl. combined liability insurance

13 January 2023: Understanding the different BMC membership and affiliation benefits available to affiliated clubs, with a deeper dive in to the combined liability insurance member benefit.


First Year Anniversary - #FindYourAdventure

23 June 2022: Learning direct from the clubs involved about the lessons learnt and good-practice that has been taking place.  Discussion about the future direction of #FYA, the support needed from the BMC and the steps clubs will be taking.

Understanding the Combined Liability Insurance membership benefit

26 April 2022: We looked at the "Combined Liability Insurance" that is provided as part of BMC membership to get a greater understanding of it and learn about how it works.  We discussed what it means to clubs, club officers, club leaders & members, and there were plenty of questions too!


Environmental Sustainability in clubs and huts  

11 April 2022: Discussion on how clubs and huts can take steps to be more "Environmentally Sustainable", what that means to clubs and huts, the practical steps clubs can take, sharing good practice between clubs and identifying issues that need to be addressed.


Children, young people, families and clubs - dispelling the myths

6 April 2021: Discussion on how clubs can accept children, young people & families - what it means to clubs, dispelling commonly held myths, looking at the benefits it can have for clubs, considering the safeguarding implications and reviewing the practical steps clubs can take.


Electronic Payment Systems for clubs

9 November 2021: Review of the electronic options available to clubs for collecting annual club membership fees and/or ad-hoc club event fees.  Includes a presentation on direct debit.


Becoming a more inclusive club

7 October 2021: Tips for engaging women and different ethnic groups to help your club grow.



Student Club Officers - a programme of webinars and training sessions aimed at a officers, vounteers and leaders within student (university) clubs is available HERE.




Clubs are Open - these webinars took place on various dates throughout 2021 as part of the return to activity following the lifting of covid restrictions.  Click here to access the recordings


"In person" Training Events

Training Days for Club Officers and Committee Members

How to Train Novice Members in Your Club

How to Train Novice Members in Your Club - Winter Skills

How to Train Novice Members in Your Club - Next Steps

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Anonymous User
Our club would like to pass on to our members the BMC offer of free liability insurance for members' children under 12. However, we don't have a family membership category, so the names of children would need to be registered separately from the rest of our members. A suggestion, which would seem easier for clubs and the BMC, would be for liability insurance for members' children under 12 to be included automatically as part of club membership, avoiding the need to register the names of those children. Would that be possible?
Anonymous User
Payment methods for club membership and meets (we are a national club and currently use cheques only and are experiencing difficuties owing to the decline in use of cheque books).
Anonymous User
The Facebook event for students on 'Rebuilding Your Club' looked useful. How about one for clubs with a slightly older demographic?
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