Interested in the governance of the BMC? Want to know why some changes to the Articles of Association are going to be put forward at the 2021 AGM? Then come along to an Open Forum on this very topic on Thursday 28 January at 7pm.
We’ll be holding an online Open Forum to focus on changes we wish to make to the BMC’s Articles of Association. These changes are as a result of:
A review of the articles – which highlighted the need for consistency and clarity, particularly in relation to the use of defined terms
The impact of the pandemic and various other experiences over the past two years – which showed that some flexibility is required to allow the BMC to continue to engage with its members in extraordinary circumstances
A number of Task and Finish group reviews – which resulted in the need for some new provisions in the articles for either clarity or flexibility
We will be using the forum to:
Explain the proposed changes
Ask for feedback on the level of agreement to each of the changes
Ask for feedback on whether the wording achieves the intended changes whilst minimising any potential unintended consequences that we may have missed
We would like to be able to have a fairly in-depth discussion, allow more people to have a say and to allow people to ask specific questions. To do this we have set the forum up as a meeting so we can utilise the break out rooms facility.
To assist with the discussion please see the following documents:
If you wish to attend, please register on Eventbrite.
Registration is open up to half an hour before the event which starts at 7pm on Thursday 28 January.
If you’re unable to attend, but you’d like to keep up to date with the BMC’s governance you can register to receive regular emails here.
We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.
From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we couldn’t do it without you.
Did you know that we've launched a U27 membership offer for just £1.50 / month? And with full membership from £2.50 / month, it's never been easier to join and support our work:
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