With the end of 2021 in sight, GB Climbing are pleased to announce the return of the British Lead Climbing Championships.
Date: 20 & 21 November 2021
Location: The Westway Climbing Centre
Categories: Youth A, B and C, Senior (16+)
Each category will face two qualifying routes and a final route.
Categories Youth A, B and C will climb on Saturday 20 November.
Category Senior (16+) will climb on Sunday 21 November
All competitors will need to provide evidence of a negative lateral flow test 24 hours prior to attending the competition.
DOWNLOAD: Competition Rules
DOWNLOAD: Competition appeal
DOWNLOAD: Start List for Qualifier One
All competitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by one parent/guardian only, but loco parentis can be used where required. If a parent/guardian, spectator or coach, volunteers to assist in a Judge or Belayer role on the day, this will be in addition to the accompanying adult.
These categories are set each year relative to a competitor's year of birth:
Youth C: 2009 & 2008
Youth B: 2007 & 2006
Youth A: 2005 & 2004
Senior (16+): 2005 & earlier
Due to covid, there is no veteran category this year. This is temporary.
There are two qualification routes per category, there will be no isolation for these routes. The starting order for the first qualifying route is random. Then the starting order for the second qualifier is the same as the first but staggered halfway. E.g. If there are 20 competitors in the category, number 11 will climb first on the second qualifier.
For the finals, all finalists will be held in an isolation zone. There will be a six minute observation of the final route, and then the finals are climbed on-sight.
All categories £35
You must be a member of the BMC in order to enter this competition.
• Please complete and submit this entry form by 12pm (midday) on Monday 15 November 2021. Entries after this date will not be accepted.
• Only online applications will be accepted
• All competitors must be a BMC, MS or MI member.
• Evidence of a negative lateral flow test must be provided 24 hrs prior to the competition
• All applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application.
A further e-mail containing full event information will be sent two days before the event.
Please note that emails do not always reach their destination, it is therefore your responsibility to contact the BMC if email notification has not been received.
If you cancel with less than five business days of the competition - you will not be entitled to a refund.
If you cancel more than five business days before the competition - you will receive a 50% refund of the cancelled round/s.
If a competition is cancelled due to an unforeseen circumstance - you will be entitled to a full refund.
Contact Zoe Spriggins (BMC Competition Program Manager) Tel: 0161 438 3313 / Email: zoe@thebmc.co.uk
We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.
From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we couldn’t do it without you.
Did you know that we've launched a U27 membership offer for just £1.50 / month? And with full membership from £2.50 / month, it's never been easier to join and support our work:
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