Such is the way with recording history – as soon as you do it it’s out of date. Alan Moss’ recent, exhaustive catalogue, British and Irish Climbing Guidebooks 1894 to 2011 – A Collector’s Guide, was an exhaustive directory to the state of play of over a century of guidebooks. Since its recent publication, it will come as no surprise to hear that the light it shone on the subject has shown up some anomalies.
To address this Alan has now published a supplement to his original. In addition to listing over forty corrections and updates to the material in the original book it also details all forty newly discovered old guidebooks and all recently published guidebooks up to early May 2104.
This is a limited edition numbered and signed supplement (100 copies). The supplement has paper covers and was designed to fit neatly into the back of the original book. To obtain a copy, please contact Alan Moss directly. The supplement costs £5, including postage. All profits from this book will be donated to St Gemma Hospice Leeds, which looks after terminally ill children. You can still buy the original book from the BMC shop.
In other news, Alan is also in the final stages of creating a companion guide to Alpine guidebooks. Alpine and European Climbing Guidebooks 1863 – 2013 details all English language guidebooks to the Alps, other Mountain Regions of Europe, Ski Mountaineering and Via Ferrata guidebooks, together with Rock Climbing guidebooks to Europe. Again, please contact Alan for further information about this publication.
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