This weekend’s National Academies at the Arch in London and the Climbing Works in Sheffield proved a definite hit with both parents and children.
Devised by GB Junior Bouldering Team managers Tom Greenall and Lucinda Whittaker and delivered with support from Katy Whittaker and Nathan Phillips, a primary aim was to make children and parents aware of the key attributes of a well-balanced athlete.
Tom Greenall outlined the coaching team’s rationale, ‘We worked hard to make our sessions inclusive and empowering to both parents and athletes alike and while we took a gamble by "breaking the mould" the feedback highlights that we are doing it the right way.’
Parent Steve Gooder supported the coaching team's approach, ‘I came away with a real sense of what it takes to become a top level climber, and of how to help and support my son in his efforts to fulfil his potential. I am not only much better informed, but also feel genuinely involved. Parent power harnessed! I think many of the other parents felt the same, and one spin-off has been some useful friendly exchange and mutual support among us fogeys!’
‘My son summed it up afterwards when he simply said that he felt inspired. From his point of view I think there was a good balance of specific technical information and general advice - much of it counter-intuitive. All in all, we both found it an enlightening and very enjoyable day, and would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Tom, Lucinda, Kate, and Nathan for doing such a great professional job.’
Academy participant Cameron McLoughlin was also very impressed, 'The day went really well and I felt like I came away with something very valuable. This is the first time I have been given a checklist of what makes good technique and now that I have this, I can drill each specific element of that list separately, instead of just trying to climb with "good technique." I think the new format works really well.'
The BMC has secured Sport England funding to deliver both Regional and National academies through to 2017. From humble beginnings of just one National Academy in 2008, thirty-nine Regional and National Academies will be delivered across the country over the next twelve months.
At the same time, Mountain Training’s new coaching scheme is proving very popular with over 220 training course places delivered since the scheme’s launch in October 2013. A draft syllabus for the planned Performance Coach award is being reviewed with work on that project continuing during 2014.
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The Climbing Works
The Arch Climbing Wall
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