BMC Leading Ladder Results: R1-6 and Grand Final results

Posted by Becky McGovern on 24/03/2014

The BMC Leading Ladder is a fun lead climbing competition running at 29 UK walls from 2 November 2013 to 23 February 2014. Taking part is the ideal way to get fit, and stay fit, during the indoor winter season. The 2013/14 BMC Leading Ladder culminates in the Grand Final which took place at the Beacon Climbing Centre in North Wales on Saturday with 51 finalists taking part.

Results for the following rounds below:

Results for Round 1

Results for Round 2

Results for Round 3

Results for Round 4 - (Excluding Sunderland Wall)

Results for Round 5

Results for Round 6 - Overall results for whole series

BMC Leading Ladder 2013/14 Finalists with categories for each age group


Full results from the Grand Final can be seen here.

To find out more information about the BMC Leading Ladder - click HERE.

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The BMC Leading Ladder: back for winter
The BMC Leading Ladder: back for winter

The BMC Leading Ladder is a fun lead climbing competition running at 28 UK walls from 2 November 2013 to 23 February 2014. Taking part is the ideal way to get fit, and stay fit, during the indoor winter season.
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BMC Leading Ladder: final results
BMC Leading Ladder: final results

On Saturday 75 Leading Ladder Finalists filled the Lakeland Climbing Centre in Kendal and there was some tough competition on the tallest climbing wall in England.
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BMC Leading Ladder results: All rounds
BMC Leading Ladder results: All rounds

The BMC Leading Ladder is a fun lead climbing competition which ran at 37 UK walls until the end of March 2013.
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Anonymous User
when will you be adding the results of rounds 2 and 3 ???
Anonymous User
Are the scores for additional rounds ever going to be posted?
Anonymous User
More results please. When you say they will be published after each round they should be!
Anonymous User
Hi I'm looking for last weeks scores as need to know if I have to hit 2walls next round. Many thanks
Anonymous User
Will any more results be posted any time soon?
Anonymous User
Anonymous User
This is the first time we have taken part in the Leading Ladder so I am not sure if the delay in results being published is ‘normal’.
5 of the 6 rounds have now been completed yet only results for rounds 1-3 have been published.
Junior competitors in particular are always keen to see how well they have competed in their age group.
Having competed in Rounds 2 and 4 it now seems irrelevant having to wait so long for results to be published. We would have welcomed the results for round 4 so that we could have competed in rounds 5 and 6 if necessary.
Come on BMC - where are the results for the last 2 rounds?
The Final is only 4 weeks away - will all the results be published before the Final takes place?
Anonymous User
Sadly it is normal.
Anonymous User
I have been taking part in the leading ladder for 5years now, I have always enjoyed both the open competition and fun of the events. However the organisation and communications through the web site has become progressively worse. BMC, you are in danger of loosing all competitors in this potentially good competition through lack of management. This is evident in the last two posts.
Unfotunately we are completely at the mercy of the walls returning the scorecards. It is not the communication form the office that is at fault here, if the walls don't send back their score cards back in a timely manner we cannot publish the results from the rounds.

We are still waiting on scorecards back from Sunderland wall who hosted back in round three - if we are missing a walls scorecards we cannot publish the scores for that round, and it now looks like these have gone in missing in the post and the wall do not have a record of them. So if you competed in that round please email - with your score to have it included.

We hope to have all of the other scores from the rest of the rounds published within the next couple of days and finalist invites sent out by the end of the week.

Apologies for the lack of results at the moment, but like i explained above it is out of our hands.


Rob Adie
Anonymous User

Could i suggest that a simple email form / spreadsheet is created and sent out to the hosting walls which captures the score cards results. These can be verified with the actual score cards when returned to you. Setting dates for return is simple on the basis that if you dont return the required info by the required time you will not be eligable to host the following year. The completed form / spreadsheet of results can be quickly tallied up with the other hosts for that round and you have "unverified results" published in a lot quicker time than the present system. You will also know your list of potential finalists a lot sooner giving you more time to find replacements if they can not attend and also giving the finalists time to book accomodation, etc


Anonymous User
Hi Rob,
Just read your posting about the missing score cards from Sunderland.
How unfair for the competitors who took part in this round in good faith. Sunderland is one of only two centres in the North East to host this event and as you need to compete in a minimum two rounds, I suspect a number of people will be prevented from going further in the completion through no fault of their own.
Surely in this day and age, centres can send in the results electronically and only use the post system as a backup. Can this be looked at for future events as losing competitors score cards turns the whole competition in to a farce.
I will as you suggest e-mail Amii with my score, but as most people I handed in my sore card not thinking it necessary to make copies. and after such a time laps I am unsure of my exact score and have no evidence to backup any claim I make.
I hope that you will be looking at this matter further as I can not express how grieved I am that peoples score cards have been lost in this manner.
This is not something that has been a problem in the past, but we will looking into a procedure similar to the one you describe in the future, to make sure this sort of thing does not happen again.

Anonymous User
Reference comment 10 by Rob.

It has now been more than a couple of days and no score updates or whiff of who's in the final. Time is running out for finalists to make travel arrangements, book accommodation, get kids out of school early on the Friday and get time off work. Maybe my last leading ladder, I'm loosing faith quickly.
Anonymous User
Think we need some consistency here - BMC Youth Results done the same day
Anonymous User
Dear BMC.

It is only 18 days to the grand final. I know that you have had problems with score cards not being returned etc...
However, it is now very last minute to let competitors know if they are eligible or not. (personally speaking, I have to get time off work).

As a suggestion to give both yourselves and all competitors some breathing space and extra time to organise can I suggest that you put the date of the final back to later date?

I would like to hear your thoughts on this please?


Anonymous User
Could you post the actual scores rather than the rankings, so we can see how we did in comparison to everyone else.

Anonymous User

The link for the grand final results seems to be incorrect.


Anonymous User
Can we have the results of the final posted, please

the link on the website is incorrect.

The link is now fixed, we had an issue with the downloads on the BMC site for short period.

We also recieved some comments from LL finalists:-

Hi Rob.
Just wanted to say thanks for a very well organized final on Saturday. I've not been to a comp that's been that well run!
Nice one


The BMC Leading Ladder: back for winter

The BMC Leading Ladder is a fun lead climbing competition running at 28 UK walls from 2 November 2013 to 23 February 2014. Taking part is the ideal way to get fit, and stay fit, during the indoor winter season.
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BMC Leading Ladder: final results

On Saturday 75 Leading Ladder Finalists filled the Lakeland Climbing Centre in Kendal and there was some tough competition on the tallest climbing wall in England.
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BMC Leading Ladder results: All rounds

The BMC Leading Ladder is a fun lead climbing competition which ran at 37 UK walls until the end of March 2013.
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