Over a thousand Summit readers responded - over 16% of those surveyed, which was a fantastic response.
In many ways the survey confirmed what we all suspected. Almost half of those who replied were aged between 25 and 44, and only 1% under 18. Almost half considered themselves to be Christian, whilst 44% had no religion, and we had no responses at all from Muslim or Sikh religions.
However compared to our previous survey in 2000 there were some noticeable changes. In 2000 the survey recorded 16% female, but this has now increased to 25%. And when asked about disability, 6% of people stated that they have a disability of some kind, as opposed to 1.4% in 2000.
Perhaps the starkest figure relates to ethnic background, which remains unchanged since the last survey, 98% being white with only 2% coming from all the other categories combined. The next step is to consider whether there are any barriers to participation that we can work towards removing. We will be seeking guidance on these matters in line with the Sports Councils’ Equity Standard that we are currently working towards achieving.
Thanks to all who took part.
To view the survey please click here.
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