A rock climbing taster day for disabled people was provided at Rochdale Climbing Wall on 28 May. The day was a great success with over 50 people attending.
People of all ages and abilities had a go at climbing, abseiling and bouldering. Rochdale Climbing Wall and the staff on Sunsport have been trained extensively in providing additional support on rock activities enabling wheelchair users, young people with autism and young people with learning disabilities to enjoy the activity to the maximum. There was a great response with many of the attendants having their first ever go at the sport. James who has a visual impairment thought the activity was fantastic and definitely wants to carry on.
The taster day was also used as a platform to demonstrate the work of British Mountaineering Council in addressing the imbalance in participation amongst minority groups such disabled people, and ethnic minorities. The BMC has an active Equity Steering Group. Rob Adie the BMC Climbing Wall Officer attended to assist with holding ropes and distributing material on the BMC. Andy Say from Mountain Leader Training England also joined us for the day. In addition to promoting access to the activity it also needs to be dealt with at a coaching and training level. Andy recommends an increase in disability works shops and seminars.
The day’s session was a joint initiative between Sunsport young disabled holiday programme and Rochdale Borough Disability Sports and Leisure Forum who funded it. Thanks also to Ian Dunn for providing the facilities for the day.
If you want to no more about promoting access the MLTA hold a publication on disability climbing or you can phone Graeme Hill on 01706 926203
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