The 2018 AGM is taking place at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal at 1.00pm on Saturday 16 June. Read on for essential information about what is happening, and how you can be involved in the most important BMC AGM in years.
Why is the AGM so important?
The 2018 AGM will consider significant changes to the constitution (new Articles of Association) which will influence what the BMC can do and how it will operate. Although this affects the rights of all members, typically only a tiny minority will attend the AGM to vote.
Since democratic principles depend upon the involvement of as many members as possible, it is of vital importance that you do vote, so that the outcome will be truly reflective of what members want. As in previous years you will be able to vote by proxy and for this year an online system managed by the Electoral Reform Service will be available.
BMC AGM agenda documents
Note: all documents related to AGM Agenda items will be uploaded to the BMC website by 5pm on Friday 18 May, following the Members' Open Forum meeting that was held in Manchester on Tuesday 15 May.
2018 AGM Agenda
Item 4: Approval of 2017 AGM minutes
Item 5: Adoption of 2017 Annual Report
Item 6: Adoption of 2017 Annual Accounts and Auditors' report
Item 8: Ordinary resolution proposed by John Roberts and >500 BMC members
Item 9: Special resolution to adopt new Articles of Association, either:
9.a: Option A - as recommended by National Council, the Executive Committee and the ORG
9.b: Option B - as proposed by 44 BMC members (some of whom have subsequently withdrawn their support)
Item 10: Elections
10.a.I: Les Ainsworth or Lynn Robinson for President
10.a.II: John Roberts for Vice-President
10.a.III: Amanda Parshall for Independent Director
Item 10b: Re-election of Executive Committee members
How to vote
BMC members can cast their vote in person at the AGM or by proxy. Details about how to submit a proxy vote online will be emailed to members on Friday 18 May.
READ: How to vote in the 2018 BMC AGM
AGM schedule
Saturday 16 June, Castle Green Hotel, Kendal
11:30 – 13:00: AGM Registration (in the Function Suite)
13:00 – 18:00: BMC AGM
19:00 – late: Buffet and annual awards presentations; late bar
The buffet is free to BMC members, but please let know you are coming so we have plenty of food for everyone.
In addition to the George Band Award, this year will see the inaugural presentations of two new awards:
The Rehan Siddiqui Award for exceptional voluntary contribution towards promoting equality and diversity in the BMC.
The Young Volunteer of the Year Award for exceptional voluntary contribution in climbing, hill walking or mountaineering and the work of the BMC.
Accommodation is available at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal. Please quote BMC AGM 2018 to receive a discounted B&B room rate.
Further information
Please contact Kate at the BMC; email
Your AGM: Thanks for your vote!
This year's historic AGM had a record voting turnout, with 6,796 of those votes being made online. We want to thank everyone for having their say and helping to shape the future of the BMC.
Detailed info on the BMC AGM 2018
Find out more about the last AGM. It's a complicated topic, so start with this one:
We were asking our members to vote on some significant changes to the BMC's constitution. Part of the discussion was the relationship between the BMC and Sport England.
There were two constitutions to vote for: Proposal A (as recommended by National Council) and Proposal B, proposed by a group of members. To learn more about the two proposals, you can read a detailed comparison written by BMC honorary solictor Martin Wragg.
How did the recommendations get decided? Read more about the process that lead to this stage, including the reports from the Organisational Review and more.
Watch the Open Forum debate
We held a debate in Manchester on 15 May for both options to be discussed. You can watch the livestream here:
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