An update on the progress of the Organisational Development Group (ODG) following the BMC AGM 2018.
What is the Organisational Development Group (ODG)?
Since the AGM a small group has been brought together to provide an oversight of work that is required in order to take forward organisational change within the BMC and in line with the spirit of the recommendations made by the Organisational Review Group (ORG). So far, this has included, recruiting volunteers and a part time Project Manager, agreeing Terms of Reference for the group and making a recommendation for a more relevant name for the original “Implementation Group” (IG).
The group’s name was changed to reflect that rather than the ODG implementing the recommendations, the ODG is responsible for supporting staff and volunteers to develop the ORG’s recommendations further. The change was agreed in the last month with the Board and National Council, at the same time as the draft Terms of Reference for the group.
Who’s on the group?
Learning from the ORG process we have appointed a part time paid Project Manager, Dave Stanley who has joined the ODG to ensure that we are able to work to the appropriate deadlines and to ensure we communicate effectively with members.
We also welcome to the team Roger Murray and Paul Evans who have been appointed in the BMC independent member roles, and will soon be getting their teeth into some key aspects of our work.
The ORG now comprises:
John Roberts – Chair
Lynn Robinson – President
Andy Syme – NC Representative
Fiona Sanders – NC Representative
Amanda Parshall – Independent Director
Dave Turnbull – CEO
Roger Murray – BMC Independent Member
Paul Evans – BMC Independent Member
Dave Stanley – Project Manager
The workstreams
We established that some of the ORG recommendations are more relevant to be led by the Board, and others are more relevant to be led by the members and volunteers that are not on the Board. Therefore the work has been split into those driven by The Board and led specifically by the CEO, Dave Turnbull, and those areas that will need more engagement with the members directly.
Other sub groups working on substantial elements are:
Reconstitution of National Council: Lynn Robinson
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Board and National Council: Andy Syme
Legal and Compliance: Amanda Parshall
What next?
Now that we’ve got our team, and project manager, there’ll be more frequent communications coming out about progress. We are in the process of setting up a range of ways to enable members, whether they attend Local area meetings or not, to be able to engage in shaping the BMC.
There’ll be updates on the MoU, and the National Council reconstitution, as well as some of the other governance work, in time for the next round of area meetings in November.
Also, keep your eyes peeled in Summit, at Kendal Mountain Festival, and on social media, for more updates.
We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.
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