The BMC Youth Open Lead competition will take place at The Big Depot in Leeds on Saturday 6 April 2019 (Please note: this is a change from the originally announced venue due to council work that may effect roads at that time). Competitors will pit their strength against two tricky qualification routes to try and claim a place in the final. Will you be signing up?
The event is suitable for the following categories:
Junior (born in 2001- 2000)
Youth A (born in 2003-2002)
Youth B (born in 2005-2004)
Youth C (born in 2007-2006)
Entries are now closed
The qualifying round takes place on two qualifying routes per category. Each route must be climbed within six minutes.
Start list for Qualification Route 1 can be found here
Start list for Qualification Route 2 can be found here
Each Category final will consist of one route with a six minute observation period and a six mintue time limit to complete the route.
Prizes and Sponsors:
Podium and raffle prizes will be provided by the Youth Open Lead headline sponsor Petzl.
Entry costs and Deadline:
Deadline for entry is 5pm on Monday 1 April 2019
BMC, MI and MS Members £20
Non-members £25
• Please complete and submit online entry form by the deadlines stated above.
• Only online applications will be accepted. No on the day entries will be accepted.
• Parental consent must be given for any competitor aged under 18 years on the day of the event.
• All applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application. They will then receive a further e-mail containing full event information after entries close on 1 April.
Please note that emails do not always reach their destination, it is therefore your responsibility to contact the BMC if email notification has not been received by Friday before each event.
Cancellation policy
If you cancel with less than five business days of the competition - you will not be entitled to a refund.
If you cancel with more than five business days of the competition - you will receive a 100% refund.
Parental consent
Parents or guardians must hand-in a signed parental consent form, you will NOT be able to compete without one.
Download the parental consent form
Big Depot Leeds website
Zoe Spriggins, Competitions Programme Manager, 0161 438 3313,
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