The Young Volunteer of the Year Award recognises those young people who have made a significant voluntary contribution to the BMC and its commitment to supporting climbers, hillwalkers and mountaineers.
The Young Volunteer of the Year Award was established in 2018 and recognises those young people (under 27 years of age) who have made a significant voluntary contribution and commitment to the BMC, thereby acting as role models to other young people, to encourage volunteering in the BMC.
Young Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients
Read the following reports to find out more about the achievements of previous winners of this award:
Young Volunteer of the Year 2020, Kody Bradley
Nomination process
BMC members can nominate a volunteer for the award. Seperate nomination forms for each award are made available on the BMC website towards the end of each year.The BMC Awards and Honours Panel is the awarding body, and the award is presented on the occasion of the BMC Annual General Meeting.
Find out more about the BMC Volunteer Awards
Nominate a volunteer for an award
MEET: Our BMC Ambassador Team
WATCH: Mary-Ann Ochota in Great Walks: Catbells on BMC TV
WATCH: BMC Ambassador Steve McClure on BMC TV
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