Dave Barrans' and Gareth Parry's bouldering brilliance has earned them 16th and 17th place respectively in the Climbing World Championships at the weekend in Aviles, Spain.
It's the first time Barrans has competed in the World Climbing Championships so his international future is looking bright. Russia's Dmitry Sharafutdinov and Austria's Anna Stöhr won the bouldering championships.
In the leading finals, Spanish climbers Ramón Julián Puigblanque and Patxi Usobiaga Lakunza looked happy on home soil and took gold and silver in the men's comp. Austria's Angela Eiter took the women's title.
Chinese climber Qixin Zhong was a surprise winner in the men's speed competition. Current world record holder Russian Tatiana Ruyga took the title of women's Speed World Champion and the Russian team clung on to top spot in the team rankings.
There were no medals for France - a result that shows the changing face of international competition climbing - although they still came top in the team rankings for combined lead and bouldering results.
For full results see here.
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Climbing World Championships