All the years of work and planning have paid off for the volunteers and climbers who have put time and effort into the restoration over the last four years.
Originally the brainchild of all round good guy and Yorkshireman, Mike Raine, the TremFest has slowly seeped its way into the conciousness of climbers across the globe. We have welcomed South Africans, Americans, Frenchies, Italians and Poles, not to mention the English and Scots. Over the last four years, Mike's team has transformed the crag into a more open and accessible venue. There was a huge amount of work to be done when they started, but, with careful planning and help from the BMC, CCW and Plas y Brenin, trees have been felled, paths built and routes excavated.
The crag now dries out faster than previously, and more routes of the sub-VS type have been opened up to the masses, relieving pressure on the established classics.
In the end, TremFest has proven to be a wonderfully warm and friendly event that has done that old thing of "putting something back" into climbing for the benefit of all. Those who have turned up have enjoyed free camping, free beer, free bonfires, free cake and free cuddles. That, in a nutshell is what we at the BMC are all about and we salute Mike and his team for showing the world the soft underbelly of the BMC.
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