This page will help to direct you to the most appropriate training for you and your fellow club members, committee members and club officers..
Skills Training
There are a few options available for personal skills training.
For information about first steps in to outdoor rock climbing click here
For information about Training Essentials, skills courses in climbing, walking & scrambling click here
For information about outdoor first aid and improvised self rescue courses for climbers click here
Check out BMC TV where are many skills films that will help you progress.
We run several options to support club volunteers who support the training of novice members. All the courses take place at Plas y Brenin on a heavily subsidised weekend. For more information please click on your preferred options -
winter skills;
single-pitch climbing, hill-walking & scrambling;
multi-pitch & sea-cliff climbing, advanced scrambling
We run an annual programme of training days for committee members, leaders and club officers. For more information please click here.
For more information about the Club Networks we have established to support volunteers who are running clubs please click here.
Student Clubs
For a link to the Student Club Network Facebook page please click here
For a link to the annual Student Safety and Good Practice Seminar please click here
From time to time we run webinars for club officials. For more information please click here
Other opportunities available to all BMC members include -
Movement Skills Masterclasses - Run in the spring at a variety of climbing walls across the country the masterclasses will improve your footwork precision, economy of movement and the utilisation of existing strengths.
Alpine Lecture Series & Winter Lecture Series - A series of inspirational lectures set to inspire any budding winter mountaineers or alpinists.
Fundamentals - Aimed at anyone who coaches or leads climbing sessions, indoors or outside these workshops will broaden your knowledge and provide valuable personal and professional development.
Get into Climbing - With lots of information about indoor climbing, outdoor climbing and bouldering this is the essential publication to help new climbers learn the art of climbing.
Area Meetings - Many area meetings have a programme of talks associated with them or other training opportunities. Check out what’s on in your local area on the BMC Community Site.
Climb Outdoors - If you want to take your first steps from the indoor climbing wall out to rock then this is the page to read.
Festivals / Crag clean ups - The BMC runs a variety of festivals throughout the year to help people to experience new venues for climbing and walking. These are often organised by local volunteers who know their local crags and hills mountains really well and enjoy giving advice on the best routes to take.
Crag clean ups are also often organised by local volunteers with support from BMC Officers. Don’t worry if you’ve never done one before – there’ll always be someone to show you what to do.
Mountain Training - If you want to develop your skills and become an instructor then check out the courses on the Mountain Training website. If you are going to use your new qualification to help out people in your club then check out to see if there is any funding that you may be able to access to pay some of the course costs.
There are lots of other providers who can deliver training on a one-to-one or larger group basis too – check out to see if they offer deals for BMC members.
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