Some areas of the Roaches Estate are likely to be closed to the public this week whilst aerial bracken spraying takes place.
The Peak District National Park Authority will be using helicopter spraying to control bracken around the Back Forest and Hen Cloud areas of the Roaches Estate at the end of this week on either Thursday 9 or Friday 10 August. Which date is used depends on dry weather conditions for effective spraying.
For reasons of public safety, the areas being sprayed will be closed to the public on the day of the spaying along with a number of public rights of way. Notices have been posted but if you see anyone heading into the affected areas please let them know that spraying is happening.
Maps of the affected areas and paths can be found below:
Hen Cloud temporary open access closure map
Hen Cloud temporary path closure map
Back Forest temporary open access closure map
Back Forest temporary path closure map
The open access closure maps mention a 28-day period of closure, but the closure is only being used on the day of the spraying itself.
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