The next of the BMC's South West Area Open Meetings will be held on Sunday 2nd September at The Miner's Arms, St.Werburghs, Bristol. Everyone is welcome, and we start at 7.30pm
Items for discussion include:
Supporting the newly formed S.W.A.T.
The Chudleigh cleanup
Producing a regional newsletter
Access Reports including Cheddar
The Cheddar Bolt Policy
Cuttings (Portland) retro-bolting Proposal from Steve Taylor
Alternative venues for these open meetings
Anything you want to talk about
The most interesting thing is Steve's Taylor's proposal to retrobolt the following Portland routes that have no known first ascentionist: Amen Corner, Dee, Aperitif and Hors d'ouevre.
The open meeting is where things lke this are decided, and so if you have an opinion, you should make it known. There will be at least one vehicle heading up from Dorset to the meeting.
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