ODG Chair Fiona Sanders provides an update on the work of the group in the run-up to the BMC AGM in June.
As the pressure grows to get work completed for this year’s AGM, we are able to provide two key discussion documents and two updates this quarter. These will form a basis of discussion at the next National Council (28 March) and Board (1 April) meetings. These are:
The suggested approach (Terms of Reference) to a Board committee to steer the BMC's activities, engagement and policy work in Wales, as well as concluding the review of options for future governance arrangements for the BMC in Wales;
A Clubs strategy paper for discussion;
A progress report on the 51 recommendations made by the Organisational Review Group; and
An update from the National Council reconstitution group on its progress on the Members’ Council Terms of Reference.
As you will be able to see from the progress report, if we can complete the work in amber by the 2020 AGM, we believe that the ODG as a sub-committee of the Board can be dissolved and an alternative method of reviewing continued deliverables against the recommendations established.
If you have any comments or questions on any of the ideas or recommendations in the above paper, please let us know at odg@thebmc.co.uk, before 26 March.
Members’ Webinar – 2 April
There will be a webinar on Thursday 2 April 2020, at 6.30pm. The purpose of the webinar is to gain feedback from members as we work towards producing a final version of the Articles of Association to go to the June AGM.
The suggested updates to the Articles and a paper to explain the various updates can be viewed on the ODG website. The webinar will also give members the opportunity to give views on the new Members’ Council.
Details about how to participate in the webinar will be communicated in due course.
Finally, our Independent Director Paul Drew in his new role as lead on the ODG digital strategy sub-group has been working closely with BMC Head of Marketing & Communications Alex Messenger and they are going to present a video at the next National Council meeting on 28 March, which will then be made available on this website.
Fiona Sanders
ODG Chair
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