No Moor BBQs and BMC Access Officer nominated for TGO Awards

Posted by Emma Travers on 23/10/2020

For the 2020 TGO Reader awards, BMC environmental campaign #NoMoorBBQs has been nominated for Campaign of the Year and our very own conservation champion behind it, Dr Catherine Flitcroft, has been recognised for her grand efforts as a nominee for the Extra Mile Award.

Campaign of the Year Award

Nominated: BMC #NoMoorBBQs Campaign

The Great Outdoors magazine says this award is for “those who stand up, speak out and act on the issues that matter to walkers”. A BMC Access team effort, the #NoMoorBBQs campaign encouraged over 1200 people to contact their MP to make the use of disposable barbecues on open moorland a criminal offence.

Each year, moorland fires destroy thousands of square miles of moor - and are often started by disposable BBQs. They have a devastating effect on wildlife, livestock and people, and can often destroy the underlying peat that is crucial in our fight against climate change. Worldwide, peatland contains more than 550 gigatonnes of carbon, twice as much carbon as all of the world’s forests.

No Moor BBQs campaign is part of our wider BMC Climate Project campaign and we are now working with the fire service and particular MPs to follow up this important issue. It is hoped there will be some parliamentary debate on the issue in the coming months.


WATCH: Our No More BBQs campaign clip on BMC YouTube


The Extra Mile Award

Nominated: BMC Access & Conservation Officer Dr Catherine Flitcroft

Our very own access hero Dr Catherine Flitcroft has been nominated for “going beyond the call of duty to make a difference”. The shortlist comprises employees who have provided exceptional customer service, to volunteers who contribute their time for the benefit of the countryside and other walkers.

Dr Catherine Flitcroft: “Cath is the BMC’s Access and  Conservation Officer for policy. She is little known by hillwalkers and climbers, even many BMC members, but works with many other outdoor recreational bodies to champion the interests of hillwalkers and mountaineers, lobbying government and other bodies in our interests.”

Cath says: “I’m very flattered to have been nominated for the Extra Mile Award and would never have expected it. It’s been a busy year with a new way of working during this pandemic and some gritty campaign issues to get stuck into. I’ve enjoyed working with like-minded colleagues on some important issues affecting access to the outdoors.”

Doctor Flitcroft is not only the magic-maker behind the No Moor BBQs campaign, but also involved with the BMC’s successful ongoing campaigns Hills2Oceans, The Climate Project and most recently she's helped out with the Save Outdoor Centres campaign. On top of this, she has worked hard post lockdown to help ensure the countryside remained open for climbers and hill walkers.

Cath is responsible for managing the BMC's relationship with the Government and other countryside and recreational organisations. She leads the BMC on policy and legislation issues affecting the cliff and mountain environment, and is responsible for replying to numerous consultation documents in England and Wales.

DISCOVER THE NOMINEES: TGO Awards 2020 shortlist 

Voting closes on November 11. For updates on the Awards, you can follow TGO on Facebook or Twitter


We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.

From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we couldn’t do it without you.

Did you know that we've just launched a new U27 membership offer for just £1.50 / month? And with full membership from £2.50 / month, it's never been easier to join and support our work:

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