Mountain Training has launched a survey about the potential for new indoor and outdoor bouldering qualifications and would love to hear your thoughts.
The last decade has seen a rapid increase of indoor bouldering facilities, and five years ago Mountain Training published guidance for the safe supervision of indoor and outdoor bouldering . However, as yet there is no national standard, or pathway to accrediting competence for the UK and Ireland, other than indoor and outdoor roped climbing qualifications.
Responding to calls from the indoor climbing industry Mountain Training is investigating a proposal for an indoor bouldering qualification that could accredit holders with the basic skills to instruct and supervise bouldering safely. Mountain Training would like to establish the desirability, demand and preferred content of a bouldering qualification from across the entire sector for professionals and volunteers.
Two short surveys have been launched, for individuals and organisations, to establish the need and, if necessary, design a qualification scheme that best suits the sector’s needs. If you would like to take part in this process please complete the relevant survey which will take less than ten minutes to complete. All data gathered will be held in strict confidence within Mountain Training.
Complete the the survey for individuals
Complete the survey for organisations
Both surveys will close on March 3rd 2023 with Mountain Training publishing its findings in due course.
What does a Mountain Training coaching qualification give you?
If you were thinking about signing up to become a coach with Mountain Training, here's just a few of the key things you'll be able to get out of it:
One registration fee gives you access to both Foundation Coach and Development Coach levels.
Flexible start points for those with lots of previous coaching experience (through an accredited prior learning process).
A bouldering pathway for those who only want to coach bouldering.
Minimum age 16.
Focus on climber-centred coaching.
WATCH: Foundation Coach, a Mountain Training qualification on BMC TV
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