Don't waste your vote! We know that the majority of BMC members can’t or don’t attend our AGM, but we would still like to encourage you to vote. If you want to know how to vote in the BMC AGM but are unsure how, read on:
Please note: Online voting is now closed
How to vote without attending the AGM
Make this the AGM you vote at! You don't have to attend the AGM to vote, there's a really easy way in which BMC members can cast their vote via proxy: vote online.
How to use the online voting system
That's right, you can now vote online using the ERS (Electoral Reform Services) voting system. Here's how it will work:
On Friday 18 May, ERS will email all members a secure link and security code to enable members to cast their vote online.
Those members who do not have an email address will receive their information by post.
The instructions will contain links and/or unique security codes to use when voting. The codes are unique to individuals and should not be shared with any other person.
When using the system, select the Chair of the AGM of another member who you know is attending the AGM in person, and on the day of the AGM the BMC will pass the details from the completed proxy form to the person nominated as proxy so that they can vote on your behalf.
Voting closes at 1pm on Thursday 14 June 2018. Please make sure to cast your vote before the deadline has passed as you will not be able to after this time.
Voting FAQs
Can I vote?
All BMC members that are 18 years of age or above can vote.
Do I have to vote online?
If you can’t attend the AGM to vote in person and you wish to vote via proxy, then we would strongly encourage you to use the online voting system. if you cannot use this, then please contact the BMC office for a paper voting form, or download the form.
I didn't get the email!
All emails to members will be sent out on Friday 18 May. If you didn't receive the email, it's likely that we don't have your correct email address in our mailing list. Those members for whom we have no email address will be posted a letter containing instructions on how to use the online voting system.
Where's the voting form in Summit?
This year, proxy voting forms were not sent out with Summit. Instead, National Council decided that voting should be done online whenever possible, or at the AGM in person.
I didn't get an email or instructions via post?
If you believe you haven't received an email or instructions via post, you can still vote online. Please visit this webpage and fill in the form at the bottom with your current email address to receive your unique codes. If you are still having problems then please contact the BMC Office.
I've just joined the BMC, how do I vote?
Fill in the form at the bottom of the page here with your current email address to register to vote.
How does proxy voting work?
If you're not able to attend the AGM then you are able to appoint a "proxy" on your behalf. This is usually either the Chair of the AGM or a valid BMC member that you know will be going. Your proxy will vote according to your instructions on the proxy voting form or, if you either select discretionary or leave the vote blank, will be free to vote on the day as they see fit. Electronic proxy voting should only be completed if you are not attending the AGM.
AGM online proxy voting platform
The online proxy voting platform operated by Electoral Reform Services (ERS) on behalf of the BMC was amended last week to provide an option for members to vote against Items 9 (options for a new constitution) and 10.a.I (presidential election). BMC members who have already voted were contacted by ERS on 1 June advising them of this amendment and providing an opportunity for members to recast their votes. The voting platform has been updated with the new information for all those who have not yet cast their votes.
By way of clarification any abstentions will be disregarded in determining the outcome of the vote and, for the avoidance of doubt, abstentions will NOT be counted as votes against. In the case of Item 9, only votes explicitly cast in favour of either Option A or Option B and votes cast against (referred to as ‘Neither A or B’ on the voting form) will be included in the count; the same principle applies to Item 10.a.I.
All the info on the BMC AGM 2018
Your BMC is growing and it needs to stay relevant in an ever changing world. Changes are being proposed and will be voted on in the 2018 AGM. Find out more and why we need your vote!
Know how to get to the AGM? Want to know what's happening, what you'll be voting on, and why?
Do you know who is up for election this year? There are candidates running for the position of BMC President as well as Vice-President. Find out more here.
We're asking our members to vote on some significant changes to the BMC's constitution. Part of the discussion is the relationship between the BMC and Sport England.
There are two constitutions to vote for: Proposal A (as recommended by National Council) and Proposal B, proposed by a group of members. To learn more about the two proposals, you can read a detailed comparison written by BMC honorary solictor Martin Wraggs.
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