BMC Coach Education & FUNdamentals workshops

Posted by Jonathan Garside on 10/05/2023
Credit: Martin Chester (

Whether climbing or coaching indoors, on the crags, or in the Alps our workshops cover a range of themes that will broaden your knowledge and improve your coaching.

FUNdamentals of Climbing - Good technique and movement are the bedrock of climbing. These workshops progressively explore climbing movement.

Coaching Children - Learn how to maximize the impact of your coaching sessions where young climbers are motivated to learn through fun, enjoyment and challenge.

Physical Training - Two workshops that progressively explore the principles of physical training and the design of periodised training plans.

Route Setting for Coaching - Routes and problems have a positive impact upon a climber's development when set well. Anyone involved in coaching climbing will benefit from this very practical workshop.

BMC members benefit from discounted course fees. If not yet a BMC member, then get 25% off your first year's membership. 

All courses are booked through Mountain Training and you'll be taken to their site by the booking links below. If planning a career in coaching, the FUNdamentals and Physical Training workshops are part of Mountain Training's coaching scheme. 

FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 : Find out more

The one-day FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 course focuses on the important themes that underpin climbing movement and is part of the training for the Foundation Coach qualification.

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


FUNdamentals of Climbing 2 : Find out more
The FUNdamentals of Climbing 2 builds upon the first workshop, looking at how specific techniques can be coached and is part of the training for the Development Coach Award.
Prior attendance of a FUNdamentals of Climbing Workshop 1 is required for this workshop. 

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


FUNdamentals of Climbing 3 : Find out more 
Participants need to be able to onsight 6b and boulder up to V3 comfortably to get the most out of the FUNdamentals of Climbing 3 workshop.

Prior attendance of the FUNdamentals of Climbing Workshops 1 & 2 is required for this workshop.  

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


Physical Training for Climbing 1 : Find out more
Participants need be a competent lead belayer and climb 6a comfortably to get the most out of the Physical Training 1 workshop. 

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


Physical Training for Climbing 2 : Find out more 
Participants need have attended a Physical Training 1 workshop and be a competent lead belayer and climb 6a comfortably to get the most out of this two-day workshop.

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


Coaching Children : Find out more 
Maximize the impact of your coaching sessions where young climbers are motivated to learn through fun, enjoyment and challenge. This workshop also aims to provide coaches with a clear framework of safe practice in the introduction of basic physical training for young people to support their climbing.  

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


Route Setting for Coaching : Find out more
Participants need to be able to onsight 6b and boulder up to V3 comfortably to get the most out of the Route Setting workshop.

Book online NOW!
(This will take you to Mountain Training's website)


Any questions please contact: 

  • 0161 438 3329

For workshop dates in Scotand click HERE.

Watch BMC Physical Training for Climbing 1 workshop on BMC TV


Courses for indoor climbers making their first moves onto rock

Who are they for?

These courses are ideal for novice climbing club members, students, parents and individuals who may have had the odd taster of climbing outdoors and wish to gain key safety skills at an excellent price. They may also be a good precursor for people contemplating the Single Pitch Award training. You should already know how to put on a harness and belay. These courses are for people aged 18 or older.

Under 18?: Check out our rock climbing courses for climbers aged 11-17 

What do the courses cover?

A variety of topics will be covered during the day as well as offering a fun taster to outdoor climbing. Topics may include:

  • Types of trad climbing equipment
  • Placing good protection
  • Building good belays
  • Using guidebooks
  • Seconding/top roping 

FIND OUT MORE: Ready to Rock Courses 2022

FIND OUT MORE: Women Ready To Rock Courses 2022

FIND OUT MORE: Outdoor Sport Climbing Courses for 11-17 year olds

FIND OUT MORE: Outdoor Trad Courses for 11-17 year olds

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The Climbing Station
Plymouth Life Centre
Plas y Brenin
Undercover Rock
The Leeds Wall
Reading Climbing Centre
Redpoint Climbing Centre
Big Rock
Harrogate Climbing Centre
Beacon Climbing Centre
Manchester Climbing Centre
Lakeland Climbing Centre
Awesome Walls
Durham Climbing Centre
Eden Rock


Courses, workshops and lectures with the BMC in 2023
Courses, workshops and lectures with the BMC in 2023

There are a range of courses, lectures, workshops and training opportunities that the BMC organises to bring the best value possible to its members.
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FUNdamentals coaching workshop tried and tested
FUNdamentals coaching workshop tried and tested

The BMC's FUNdamentals of Climbing workshops form part of the new Assistant Climbing Coach Award from Mountain Training. Aspiring coach and writer Katy Dartford, joins in the fun to see what they're all about.
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Climb4WellBeing Workshop for Coaches
Climb4WellBeing Workshop for Coaches

Are you a coach or instructor who would like to learn how to help climbers who may need some support with their mental health in order to access the fantastic wellbeing benefits of climbing? The Climb4WellBeing workshop could be just what you need.
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Anonymous User
You can contact Guy at UCR Ltd., which is the climbing centre, where he works, although he is in the alps at the mo!
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
Hi Mal

We have workshops in Exeter, Bristol and Cardiff this year, and are in the process of booking more for the SW. The BMC Coaching Symposium is on the south coast this year too, on 24 - 25 March. Find out more at
Anonymous User
Need some more around London and Essex if its possible :)
Anonymous User
Is there any other dates for North Wales or liverpool??/
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
We'll be planning the 2013 series of workshops later this year and will have them spread around the country as usual.
Anonymous User
What are the timings for these courses? All day? any weekend dates?
Anonymous User
More dates on a weekend would be nice
At chance of more dates n the South before September ???
Anymore dates planned for FUN3 in the North, well Sheffield and above? Will book October at Kendal, but if there are plans for ones sooner....and up that way...
Anymore dates planned for FUN3 in the North, well Sheffield and above? Will book October at Kendal, but if there are plans for ones sooner....and up that way...
In future could more dates be arranged for weekends to allow more people with jobs to attend?
Anonymous User
Hi is there still availability for FUN 1, 2 and 3 in Bristol on the 10-12 Sep? id be travelling a long way so would only book if i could do all three in a single trip. Thanks
Tim Waterhouse(staff comment)
Yes, there are places available on those dates - availability is shown on the online booking form.
Anonymous User
Do you recommend doing all 3 workshops in a block, on consecutive days, or is it advisable to leave some time between each one?
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
Some people like to do the workshops on three consecutive days; others like a gap between each one. I think both approaches have pros and cons, which is why we deliver them in these two different ways. I do not think you would be overwhelmed if you did them on consecutive days.
Anonymous User
I am wondering why so few workshops run during the weekends? I would like to progress through the scheme before Christmas but, like most people, work commitments often don't allow for mid week courses. Perhaps, offering several more weekend options might increase participation? I am aware that this may dilute the numbers of people per course but maybe by increasing weekend courses and reducing midweek courses the numbers will remain constant?
Thanks, Simon
Anonymous User
Hi, any more Bristol dates beyond September?
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
We will look to have more weekend dates in 2014.

Bristol has proved very popular this year and with workshops running there in March, June and September. We do not currently have plans for more there this year.
Anonymous User
Does anyone know who is running the fundamentals 2 course at Eden rock, thanks
Anonymous User
When will 2014 dates come out?
Anonymous User
i.m trying to book on to fundamental 1 at manchester climbing centre for the 3rd dec 2013 but your website will not let me . i did book on to pals y brenin for the 20th nov but they have cancelled the course…

wondering if you could asset me booking manchester venue for the 3rd dec 2013
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
As outlined in the webform, you can only book on courses if there are still places left. If a course is full, like the one in Manchester, then it will not come up in the drop-down menu.
Anonymous User
Hi are the course that were listed for The Quay in Exeter not going ahead as had them in my basket but now can't seem to add them again to pay?
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
Hi, yes there are places on the FUNdamentals 1 & 2 courses. You should be able to book on them now via webforms. The Physical Training workshop at the Quay this weekend has been cancelled due to no bookings being made on it.
Anonymous User
Why can't there be any courses at a Weekend?

I was really disappointed that the PyB course at a weekend was cancelled. I can't attend any weekday course due to the nature of my work.
Anonymous User
Why no dates in the Southeast? Nearest one is 2.5hrs from me in Sussex. Such a shame as I've wanted to do the course for ages.
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
We are doing a workshop in the south-east tomorrow! In Maidstone.

We also did a workshop there in December, sorry that you maybe missed that.

Where is your nearest wall in the south east?
Anonymous User
Hi when are the 2017 dates for the Physical training 2 course coming out?
Jonathan Garside(author comment)
We'll have some dates soon for Physical Training 2.

Email us at to be informed when the dates go live.
Anonymous User
Frank Kremer
FUNdamentals workshops in Britain. Did Scotland leave Britain already? No dates in Scotland at all!
Jonathan Garside(author comment)

Mountaineering Scotland manage the delivery of FUNdas and other coach education workshops in Scotland. I suggest contacting them to see when their courses are running.

Anonymous User
Never any courses in Scotland? Disappointing lack of scottish involvement from the BMC once again.
Jonathan Garside(author comment)

I don't know if you have trouble reading the comment above yours ;) But as noted previously, Mountaineering Scotland manage the delivery of FUNdas and other coach education workshops in Scotland. I suggest contacting them to see when their courses are running.

Anonymous User
It would be nice to see a few more further north or Scotland.
Jonathan Garside(author comment)

As noted in my previous two posts (which people seem to have trouble reading) Mountaineering Scotland manages the delivery of FUNdas and other coach education workshops in Scotland. I suggest contacting them to see when their courses are running.

We have workshops in Sunderland, Liverpool, Sheffield and Kendal this year. Regarding other locations in the north of England, then please get in touch with us about that.

Jon Garside
Anonymous User
Any Physical workshop 2's, coaching children workshops, or route setting workshops coming up in Plymouth/Exeter area? Would be nice to have these more advanced workshops further south than Bristol.
Dear Jon Garside,

is there any chance to have a Physical Training 1 course in Manchester, just before the Physical Training 2, so on the 12th November?
Many thanks in advance

Anonymous User
Hi will you be running any more Fundas 3 courses this year after November or early next year? Preferably with Katherine S? Thanks
Anonymous User
Are there any Fundamentals courses planned in London region ins 2018?
Anonymous User
Any dates for 2018 Phys 2 workshops and coaching children workshops please?
Anonymous User
Dates for Bristol and the SW please.
Anonymous User
What is the link between the fundamentals course and the foundation coach award? Here it says that fundamentals is part of the training, but then the foundation coach award has its own training day. Thanks
Are there any Physical 2 workshops for 2018? Really keen to do this course
Amii Wilkes(staff comment)
For those asking about Physical Training 2, we have just added the following date:

22-23 August - The Climbing Works, Sheffield with Dave Binney

If you have any questions, please contact me directly -
Anonymous User
Are there any more route setting workshops for 2019?
Amii Wilkes(staff comment)

The Route Setting workshop is currently under review, therefore we do not have any workshops planned in the near future.

There will be an announcement of Facebook when the workshops are back up and running.

The book online links are showing a 404 error, are there other ways to book?

Amii Wilkes(staff comment)
Hi Chris

Our online booking system is currently undergoing some maintenance, therefore the site will be down for up to 48 hours.

Please check back from Thursday.

Many thanks for your patience.

Anonymous User
Just wondering if there'll be any FUNdas courses running in Surrey or London prior to 2020? Seen there's one on 4/7 at Stronghold but it's fully booked. Recently passed CWI and got a job offer that will start in a month or so. Figured the gap between now and work would be a good time to try to get Foundation Coach trained, so ideally looking to get FUNdas 1 & 2 plus coaching children this month (I know it's a push!)
Anonymous User
Any chance of running more of the fundamentals/ physical training workshops on a weekend or even in school holidays? As a teacher I cant just get time off to attend these courses I really want to do.
Could you let us know when the 2022 dates will be added?


Courses, workshops and lectures with the BMC in 2023

There are a range of courses, lectures, workshops and training opportunities that the BMC organises to bring the best value possible to its members.
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FUNdamentals coaching workshop tried and tested

The BMC's FUNdamentals of Climbing workshops form part of the new Assistant Climbing Coach Award from Mountain Training. Aspiring coach and writer Katy Dartford, joins in the fun to see what they're all about.
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Climb4WellBeing Workshop for Coaches

Are you a coach or instructor who would like to learn how to help climbers who may need some support with their mental health in order to access the fantastic wellbeing benefits of climbing? The Climb4WellBeing workshop could be just what you need.
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