Want a quick check on the latest club news? Find it here.
This page is designed to be a quick check to see if any new opportunities or information has been posted by the BMC, or one of our partners, that may be of interest to club officers or committee members. Each ‘snippet’ will have a very brief overview about the topic, the date it was added and a link to an article for more information; the link may take you to an external website.
Latest snippets
We are taking a short break from "snippets" while we focus on the covid response
BMC Insurance for Clubs document re-written and updated for 2020 [19/12/20]
Huts: Septic Tank Regulations 2020
Additional data proctection guidance re the Annual Data Protection Charge [01/08/19]
CASC Podcast by SRA (Sport & Recreation Alliance [11/06/19]
Latest edition of Summit available to download [28/05/19]
Not sure where to go for Child Protection information? Click here [28/03/19]
Key UK Tax changes for clubs 2018/19 [09/01/19]
New Under 11 yr olds family membership for club [11/12/18]
Latest edition of Summit available to download [21/5/18]
Advice on Social Media for Clubs [04/04/18]
Corporation tax reform provides boost to grassroots sport [17/1/18]
Introduction to the new data protection law [24/10/17]
Risk management guidance when taking out novices added to Guidance Notes [17/08/17]
Find, keep and develop the volunteers in your club [17/07/17]
Latest edition of Summit available to download [23/03/17]
Recent news about Business Rates and clubs [22/02/17]
Is your mobile ready for an emergency in the mountains? [19/01/17]
Club Matters: Help with recruitment of members [18/01/17]
New guidance on making your club suitable for everyone [14/12/16]
New guidance on VAT and sports clubs from Club Matters [14/12/16]
Lots of support and advice for your club from Club Matters [17/06/16]
Sport England release their new strategy [20/05/16]
Guidance on completing funding applications [17/03/16]
Latest edition of Summit available to download [15/03/16
Funding guide for coaches/instructors from SportscoachUK [11/02/16]
New 'Club Matters' quick reference guides [03/02/16]
Advice for protecting club huts that are at risk of flooding [04/01/16]
Guidance on the CASC Changes to Particiption Measurement [18/12/15]
Keypad locks for club huts [16/12/15]
Change to Gift Aid Declarations for 2016 [30/11/15]
Ideas for generating income in clubs, from Sport England [6/10/15]
Latest edition of Summit available to download [6/10/15]
Please send snippets for, or any comments about, this page to Jane Thompson, Clubs Officer, clubs@thebmc.co.uk, 07885 910606
NB After a period of time the links to old / out-of-date articles will be deleted
Courses for indoor climbers making their first moves onto rock
Who are they for?
These courses are ideal for novice climbing club members, students, parents and individuals who may have had the odd taster of climbing outdoors and wish to gain key safety skills at an excellent price. They may also be a good precursor for people contemplating the Single Pitch Award training. You should already know how to put on a harness and belay. These courses are for people aged 18 or older.
What do the courses cover?
A variety of topics will be covered during the day as well as offering a fun taster to outdoor climbing. Topics may include:
Types of trad climbing equipment
Placing good protection
Building good belays
Using guidebooks
Seconding/top roping
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