Many clubs have equipment, which can be a valuable resource both for attracting new members, and to broaden the opportunities for existing members. Find out more about how to look after and manage your club safety equipment here.
Whether you have a few sets of ice axes and crampons for the annual walking club trip to Scotland, or a set of harnesses for novice climbers for use at the climbing wall, someone will need to be responsible for looking after them. We've got plenty of advice to help you manage this.
Club Guidelines
As part of our club guidelines, we have included a section dedicated to those who manage club safety equipment. This covers the basic principles behind the care and maintenance of club equipment:
Club Guidelines: Equipment (pdf download).
WATCH our Climbing gear care and maintenance playlist on BMC TV
Courses for indoor climbers making their first moves onto rock
Who are they for?
These courses are ideal for novice climbing club members, students, parents and individuals who may have had the odd taster of climbing outdoors and wish to gain key safety skills at an excellent price. They may also be a good precursor for people contemplating the Single Pitch Award training. You should already know how to put on a harness and belay. These courses are for people aged 18 or older.
What do the courses cover?
A variety of topics will be covered during the day as well as offering a fun taster to outdoor climbing. Topics may include:
Types of trad climbing equipment
Placing good protection
Building good belays
Using guidebooks
Seconding/top roping
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