You couldn't make it up: A grey and dark, but dry day, a dozen excitable SWAT* volunteers (one of whom was the cover star for "Climb" mag this month), a load of frightening looking equipment, and the best cake I've eaten in years.
To cut a long story short, we had a great day. The difference between Chudders then and now is striking. Vegetation was removed (under the terms of the Natural England agreement) from routes (mainly ivy) and from the base of the crag (mainly brambles). Whole new crags have been revealed, almost. The best way to appreciate the efforts of the team is to go along this weekend and climb some of the routes, wander around the base of the crag and marvel at the change. Many thanks to all who came along for the day...but particular thanks and kudos to Mark Glaister and Ben Hall, without whom the day would never have taken place. Actually, greatest thanks of the day must go to the clearly delightful Mrs Hall, who baked the most fantastical chocolate banana loaf I have ever, ever had, ever.
*South West Action Team
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