As more and more young people become involved in climbing and hill walking the BMC is keen to show it remains committed to the importance of volunteer led youth activities.
It is also important that people organising events involving young people are aware of their responsibilities and have the necessary training and experience. The BMC has arranged a Child Protection Awareness Training evening to be held at the BMC offices in Manchester on Thursday 16th September at 7pm. This is likely to be the first of a number of events and is part of the implementation of the BMC Child Protection Policy. Initially the training will be for Area Youth Co-ordinators, those involved with the junior competition climbing teams, and those involved in implementing the Child Protection Policy. The BMC is also in the process of organising a one-day training event for those involved in the organisation of BMC outdoor events. The focus will be on safety requirements, and the course is likely to run during the second week of September. Places are limited but if you are interested in attending either of these courses please contact Nick Colton on 0161 438 3305 or email
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