A brand new online community for BMC volunteers is coming soon. Local area meetings have been enjoying a revival and this latest development sees our website catching up with the action.
If you’ve got an opinion on a thorny topic in your local area, or want to help out with some practical work, then BMC Area Meetings is where it’s at. Nowadays the meetings usually take place in a pub (with entertainment, chips and drink!) and as a result local areas are thriving and local projects seeing an influx of interested volunteers.
In fact, the only thing that’s been missing is an easy way of finding out what’s going on in your area. And so is born the new community site.
The site is due to launch in a month and will be full of all the usual techno-twiddle you’d expect – forums, blogs, wikis, profiles and photo galleries. You'll be able to find out what’s going on, who’s responsible, what else they’re involved in, and how to get hold of them.
We hope you like it, use it, and get involved!
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