As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, we have taken the decision to close the BMC office on Friday until the end of April.
Coronavirus is having a significant financial impact on the BMC. To ensure the BMC remains financially secure and emerges from the coronavirus pandemic in a healthy state, we have taken the decision to flexi-furlough all of our staff to protect the long-term future of our operations for climbers, hill walkers and mountaineers.
From 1 February to 30 April 2021, there will be a reduction in working hours across all BMC staff, from five days a week to four.
If you're contacting the BMC, please be aware that all staff have had a 20% reduction in their working week so it may have an impact on their availability.
We will be constantly reviewing the flexi-furlough scheme so that things can return to normal as quickly as is appropriate. We would like to reassure all members that this is a temporary measure, and as soon as the flexi-furlough is lifted we will back to full capacity.
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