As part of our safety and good practice work, the BMC is running a campaign to raise awareness about climbing helmets.
The aim of the campaign is to challenge views on helmets, and to encourage you to re-examine your reasons for wearing one or not.
Deciding on which risks are personally acceptable is at the fundamental core of climbing and mountaineering. Whether to wear a helmet or not is one of those choices only the individual can make.
The BMC aims to make that choice an informed one, by giving the latest advice and information on how helmets work and what risks they can help protect against.
We encourage you to think carefully, weigh up the risks, and make your own decisions.
We’ve published a free download which includes everything you’d ever need to know about climbing helmets. This will also appear in an online edition in the future.
Download the Helmets guide here
In our campaign video, we interview climbers at England's most popular crag Stanage Edge, and ask them about their attitudes and thoughts about wearing helmets.
We discuss modern climbing helmets, and we ask climber Neil Bentley why he chose to wear a helmet for the first ascent of the UK's first E10, Equilibrium.
Watch the campaign video here:
Other articles which may be of interest which have previously appeared in Summit magazine include one on head injury and one about weighing up the risks .
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